I loved this new green juice recipe and I am loving this challenge. A month of intense nutrition consumption. It is a luxury and living a life of abundance to consume the best foods on the planet. Vibrant living plant foods, especially juiced, provides pure intense nutrition. This green juice will fill you with energy, vibrancy and make you feel alive, happy and optimistic. || Read more

I love beets. Mostly I love their magnificent, deep, vibrant, intense color. Filled with special abundant healing and health properties, beets are a great vegetable to add to your green juicing ingredients. I am posting yesterday’s Down to Earth Green Juice recipe below along with my juicing pics, and also great info to get you excited also about beets too! || Read more

This burpees workout is a straight forward workout. 5 rounds of burpees – classic, plain, but never simple, burpees – mixed with wall sits and plank. This is a full body workout, aimed at really working the core and abs muscles with dynamic jumping actions that really boost the metabolism! It’s tough, as burpees always are. But this short, quick and intense workout goes a long way towards giving you a fantastic body! || Read more

The Green Juice Challenge starts today! I have just taken a photo of my juice, and will share the recipe of the juice I am making. Tomorrow I will start taking pictures of the juicing process, and will try to post almost every day my new juice creation. || Read more

The main goal of this 30 day juice challenge is to juice every day. To get into the habit of juicing more, bring out the juicer and re-establish its rightful place in the kitchen. A month of consuming intense, dense pure nutrients, to re-energize, re-vitalize and heal anything that needs it inside our bodies. Think of this as an intense tune up and oil change! Your motor will be purring smoothly and you will be stronger, faster, happier, more optimized and enthusiastic to live a better life. || Read more

This week, starting tomorrow I am doing a burpee challenge, just a little burpee challenge of 50 burpees every day for the next week starting Monday. I’d love you to join me!! I am going to post some of my workouts too of course! Burpees are tough, but they are one of the quickest ways I have seen to get your body lean, tight, toned and yes, even build muscle. Burpees are about as miraculous as raw food and subliminals! || Read more

This kombucha recipe is very easy to make and once you learn how to make it, it requires little care and is quite easy to keep it going. You only need a few ingredients and pieces of equipment to get it going. The most essential of these are a healthy scoby (see below) to get it started and a big glass jar to ferment your kombucha in. Kombucha has a huge list of health benefits and some cultures consider it a cure all for everything. || Read more