Why do we need to acquire a taste for some foods? Why are some foods so controversial? Like cilantro, and mushrooms, which are seriously disliked by some, but loved by others. We all know, or have heard, that we can develop an acquired taste for foods. But why are some foods so repulsive to some people that they refuse to even give them a chance? || Read more

Whether you are raw, vegan or just want healthy vegetarian options, I have some rich, hearty and satisfying, abundantly nutritious vegan Thanksgiving recipe ideas to share. || Read more

I am fascinated lately by the idea of following your childhood dreams and finding your passion. Do you remember what your childhood dreams were? Before you had limitations and responsibilities put on you. When you were young the world was your oyster. You could do anything your heart and mind could dream up. How did you think you would like to live when you were older? What dreams and aspirations did you have? How did you envision yourself living the life of your dreams. || Read more

This delicious salad recipe is a delight to the senses with it’s contrasting and enhancing flavors. Sweet pineapple calms the slightly bitter radicchio. Basil and cilantro liven up apple and carrot. Colors explode and delight the eyes, like a painting on canvas. Vibrant, crisp, fresh, colors, textures and flavors pop and add life and excitement to your plate. This is a great off-the-beaten-track exotic dish that is wonderful to share with people you love! || Read more

I just turned 50 and to celebrate I made a raw recipes ebook to share with my newsletter subscribers. I really appreciate you joining me on this high vibe journey to vibrant health and well being. So to celebrate I created an ebook putting together 20 of my favorite, quick and easy to make, raw recipes. || Read more

This Ugi workout is really effective to shape legs fast. It combines some of the best leg shaping exercises: bridge, lunges and squats, all done with the Ugi ball to create an awesome Ugi leg workout. This workout has 10 different Ugi exercises, which you flow through in interval rounds. Push your hardest. The time goes by quick, so get the most you can out of it. || Read more

Winter is on its way and I have been asked frequently for suggestions on how to stay raw in the winter. Eating raw food in the winter is definitely a little more challenging than in the summer and I feel like I have this one down. I have helped others and I myself have stayed 100% raw through many Canadian winters and so, I have some great tips and strategies to share. || Read more