Over and Under Core Workout 16 min

This core workout is made up of all bodyweight exercises. It has 2 parts, each with 4 different core and ab exercises that are rotated and done in intervals. This 16 minute HIIT workout has a great mixture of plank exercises with dynamic ab exercises that will really tighten your central core muscles.
This is high intensity interval training so go through these HIIT exercises pushing at your max to get as many reps in as you can, while always keeping proper form; that’s your priority. You will get out of this as much as you put in so push hard until you hear the beep.
All you need for this workout is an interval timer. Check out gymboss timers and get links to online timers here.
Over and Under Core Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 2 parts
Part 1 – 8 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following 2 exercises three times:
Plank Jacks
Tricep Dip Kick Ups
Plank Side Hops
Crab Toe Touch
Part 2 – 8 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following 2 exercises three times:
Plank Walk Down with Arm Lifts
Alternating V Leg Raise
Plank Hip Dips
One Leg Lift and Chop
Over and Under Core Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 1
Plank Jacks – 30, 30, 29
Tricep Dip Kick Ups – 22, 23, 22
Plank Side Hops – 26, 25, 25
Crab Toe Touch – 24, 24, 24
Part 2
Plank Walk Down with Arm Lifts – 3, 3, 3
Alternating V Leg Raise – 10, 10, 10
Plank Hip Dips – 17, 22, 21
One Leg Lift and Chop – 18, 16, 16
Exercise Descriptions
From plank position jump feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center. Each time you come back to center is one rep.
Get into crab position and then bring your hips down closer to ground putting weight more on tricep muscles of arms and lift one leg up keeping it straight with foot towards ceiling; this is your start position. Bring down the raised leg and right away lift the opposite leg that was on ground. When the raised leg comes down your hips naturally raise up and when your other leg goes up your hips go down, at this point when they go down do a tricep dip with your arms, focusing on and using your tricep muscles. Each time leg is raised is one rep.
From plank position jump feet from center to the left, then back to center and then to the right, and continue. Each hop is one rep
Start in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together. Continue alternating sides for each rep
Plank Walk Down with Arm Lifts
Start in plank position with forearms on ground and then come up one arm at a time to high plank (push up) position, and then do arm lifts, one arm at a time extend arm out straight out ahead of you. Next go one arm at a time back down to forearm plank position and again from here extend your arms out in front of you, one arm at a time. This is one rep. Continue these moevements to get as many reps as you can in in the interval period.
Lay flat on ground facing up with legs straight and arms straight on ground at side and then lift legs opening them into a V position and bringing them more towards one side. Then bring them back down to ground and repeat bringing them up towards the opposite side for the next rep. Continue doing these V leg lifts alternating sides for each rep.
Hold plank position on forearms and while holding this position swivel torso to one side bringing hip down toward floor, then go back to plank and next swivel torso in the opposite direction bringing your other hip down to the other side and continue doing hip dips alternating sides in this manner while holding plank.
Lift one leg while simultaneously bringing arms from straight out overhead down together to the outside of the lifted leg and then bring back up to overhead while leg returns to start position. For the next rep lift the other leg and bring arms overhead and to the outside of this lifted leg. Alternate legs and chopping to each side for each rep.