Our Vegetable Garden Plot – 2013

Mom and I are pretty enthused about, and love, our little garden plot. Gardening is so therapeutic and wonderful for mom. She has always loved gardening and we used to have quite a large vegetable garden at our summer home growing up, so now it’s great for not only wonderful nutrition but for post-stroke therapy as well. I enjoyed taking photos of the evolution of our little vegetable garden plot out back.
Our house is on a corner lot so we have limited space but it’s enough to get quite a cute little garden growing. Mom’s been making smoothies every day and she loves to pick the sorrel and sometimes comfrey, which grow in the garden perennially.
We compost regularly, and as we make so many green smoothies and eat so much produce a bowl gets emptied into the composter at least once, but more often a couple times every day. Mom has always been very into composting also.
This year we emptied it completely. Although I was sure it wasn’t ready yet. But the way I see it, this garden is mom’s baby. She loves it so much, so if she wants whole mango pits in the soil, so be it. I, however, had to go face it and turn it all over and mix it into the hard soil. The composter was emptied before we went on vacation and I had hoped it would somehow miraculously get broken down while we were away with the rain and elements. No, it still looked a mess when we got back.
the compost bin was dumped out into 2 big piles.
Just before we go away in early June we scatter the compost and distribute it
Before we left we planted 3 trays and a few more pots of seedlings. I took a chance and left them outside hoping they would get rain but not too much as I wasn’t there to care for them and didn’t want to hand that responsibility off to our cat sitter, who desn’t know much about plants.
It was pouring when we got home and they were waterlogged so I wanted to get them planted right away. We only lost a few, that you can see here, not bad. We spent the next couple days hard at work in our garden.
First I turned over all the soil and mixed in the compost. messy job, was happy to have that done.. and quite a little workout.
Little plants that were growing from something in the composter. Any idea what these might be?
I transplanted them carefully and kept them.
There are lots of bees that love our flowers, especially these the old fashioned bleeding hearts and the purple chive flowers.
Some extra organic fertilizer/soil mix was mixed.. long story and a communication mishap happened here (aphasia, it happens) but in the end the soil get’s more nutrition and all turned over again.
Mom helps me decide where to put everything and is the official green smoothie maker. She loves this.
I’m the main gardener now though. Mom will love to pick it and watch it grow.
All of our seedlings are in.
I love the big bunch of oregano that grows here and the chives that have popped up through the walkway. We have a LOT of oregano and chives!
Zoey loves the garden too!
Another photo of wild and tenacious chives!
Some flowers popping up from last year! I planted lots of these, great in salads and to decorate desserts.
Mom & I made a trip to the nursery and picked up some 6 pack seedlings of vegetables and put those in and planted lots of lettuce seeds, and also mache, tat soi and amaranth seeds, a new one for us this year. They are starting to come up already.
This is a pic of it right now.. to be continued.
Thanks for sharing our gardening adventure!