On a Roll Ugi Workout est 20 min

This fun and fast moving ball workout features the Ugi and also has a Swiss ball being used for a couple exercises. This workout is a little longer than usual, but workouts using the Ugi always somehow seem more fun. This workout moves alog quickly. It is fast, dynamic and filled with cardio. It has 4 rounds and in each you alternate rounds of intervals (HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training) with skipping. This will take approximately 20 minutes or longer if you take breaks between rounds. Try to get through it as quickly as you can.
Skipping is one of the best cardio exercises you can do but if you can not skip for any reason substitute another cardio exercise, such as mountain climbers, high knees or jumping jacks.
Always modify any exercise if you can not do it, either because it is too hard to do or because you don’t have the equipment. Always modify to make the workout work for you. Keep it fun for yourself and keep motivated. Remember – Consistency is the key! 15 to 30 minutes 5 to 6 days a week will transform your body and make you feel great!
Get your Ugi or other equipment from here.
On a Roll Ugi Workout
Workout Breakdown
4 Parts
Each part is made up of a set of intervals and then a quick cardio period.
For each part do 4 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the 3 exercises for each part twice.
After each set of intervals do 90 skips.
The exercises for the intervals are as follows:
Part 1:
Plank to Pike on Ugi
Side Lunge with Ugi – left
Side Lunge with Ugi – right
Part 2:
Rolling Knee Tucks on Swiss ball
Ugi Pushups
Ugi Squeeze
Part 3:
Hamstring Curl with Swiss ball
Woodchops with Ugi – left
Woodchops with Ugi – right
Part 4:
Ugi Burpees
Reptile with feet on Ugi
Russian Twist with Ugi
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Get into plank position with feet on Ugi, hold for a few seconds, then roll ball in a bit so feet come forward n it and lift up hips to bring yourself to pike position. Again hold a few seconds and roll back out so you are in plank and repeat these movements balancing on Ugi and alternating positions.
Place Ugi a few feet away from you to the side and then place the foot closest to Ugi on it and do a side lunge, so that your supporting leg bends and the leg with foot on Ugi is kept straight. Do a side lunge in this position and then come up. Keep feet in the same position throughout all movements lunge in and out on the front leg.
Rolling Knee Tucks on Swiss ball
Put your feet up on ball, hands on floor, face down, and then roll ball in towards you bending knees and then back out to start positon. This is one rep. Continue doing these movements.
Get into push up position with feet elevated on Ugi and do push ups from this position.
From standing position, place Ugi between knees, squat down and pulse squat squeezing Ugi between legs.
Hamstring Curl with Swiss ball
Lying on back put shins up on Swiss ball and using legs roll it in towards you until your feet are on ball, lift your butt as you roll it in and bring the ball in close to your body, just under butt and then roll it back out to start position, bringing torso and butt back to the ground.
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and hold Ugi up above one shoulder, swing Ugi down to opposite side of the body below hip area, bring back up and repeat.
Start with Ugi just in front of you. Squat down and place hands on Ugi, jump feet back, do a push up, still with hands supported on Ugi, jump legs in, then lift Ugi up and high overhead and return to floor. This is one rep.
Get into high plank (push up) position with feet elevated on Ugi, lift one leg off Ugi and bend knee up and out to side towards same side elbow and then bring foot back to Ugi. Repeat on the other side with the opposite knee and continue doing reptile knee tucks alternating sides for each rep.
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and continue alternating sides for each rep keeping legs elevated a few inches off ground through movements.
Freestyle, or Regular skipping is like jogging in place while jumping rope, jump once each rope turn with alternating legs.