Oatmeal, Coconut Date Cookies Recipe

My inspiration for this oatmeal, coconut date cookies recipe was wanting a sweet cookie with a baked feeling but made with my rawkalicious cookie base. I am always looking for a use for my left over alomnd pulp from making almond milk, so I used this, but you can use ground almonds, or almond meal.
So this is my decadent version of the Rawkalicious Cookies that are filled with superfoods. This is a more simple cookie, with less ingredients, and not raw as it has rolled oats and chocolate chips. You could alternate these for ground oat groats and cacao nibs.. or any favorite ingredients. It’s a great base, sweetened with banana and date, that you can fill with a variety of favorite ingredients.
This recipe was also partly inspired by the Chickpea Protein Energy Balls recipe I made recently and that I wanted something similar to bring on my trip! These worked and were equally delicious!
Oatmeal, Coconut Date Cookies Recipe
1 ½ cup Almond flour, or almond pulp
1 large Banana
1 cup Dates
½ cup Rolled Oats
½ cup dried Coconut flakes
½ cup Chocolate chips, or Cacao nibs
2 tsp Vanilla
½ tsp Cinnamon
½ tsp Salt
I used the almond pulp left over from making almond milk to make these cookies.
Place the almond meal or pulp in the food processor along with the banana, dates, vanilla and spices and process until well ground and blended. Transfer mixture to a bowl and add the oats, coconut and chocolate chips. Stir well to combine and then drop by quarter cup measurments onto a teflex sheet if dehydrating, or a baking tray if baking.
To Dehydrate: Flatten to shape into cookies and dehydrate for about 12 hours, flipping midway onto a mesh sheet.
To Bake: I haven’t tested baking these. I would try 20 minutes at 300 degrees F. The ingredients do not really need to be cooked, only dried out some to make more solid and cookie-like. If you try baking let me know how it goes!
Photo Description
Assemble ingredients
Put almond pulp, banana, dates, vanilla, cinnamon and salt in processor
Process well.
Transfer processed mixture to a bowl and add coconut, chocolate chips and rolled oats.
Stir to combine.
Transfer by quarter cup measurements to a teflex sheet.
Flatten into cookies.
Dehydrate for about 12 hours, flipping midway onto a mesh sheet. Then store or plate and serve.
I’d love to hear from you!
Do you have any other great ideas for fillings?
What’s your favorite type of healthy cookie?
In health and with love,