Now out! 7 Days of Eating Raw Foods Plan, the book!!

The 7 days of Eating Raw Food Plan s now available in book form. This plan has been the most visited page on my site since it came out. Not only does this plan gett hundreds of clicks each day but also I have had many emails from people susseccfully following it. Even some who were following it as a guide long term and so I decided that this raw food plan should be made into a book, making it more convenient and easier than ever to follow.
It is now available in both a kindle version and a paperback version.
Awesome recipes. Get the basics and favorites down.
The recipes in this book are some of my favorite recipes that I go to regularly day to day. The guide shows an easy way to comfortably go raw for a week. And the guide is sustainable so that you can use it over longer periods as a general guide to following a healthy raw food diet. I even had one woman who told me she was on her 13th week following it!
Dehydrating – Step by Step Guide
There is a section on dehydrating, and how to adapt if you don’t have a dehydrator. Dehydrated foods are more condensed and help you to feel comfortably full, like most people are used to feeling when eating more cooked foods . Dehydrated foods make great transitional foods, and I have a few of my favorite staple recipes for these.
There is a complete guide of foods to make the week before, as well as a couple days before and the evening before. It is clear, concise and thorough, coming with meal plans, timelines, recipes and grocery lists.
Clear and Concise
By following this guide, you will learn the ropes as you follow it for some of the most healthy aspects of raw foods. I will hold your hand and in a step by step process I’ll help to make this as easy as possible for you. It includes many of my favorite recipes, including: delicious Granola and Almond milk, Flax Crackers, some of my favorite salads, sauces, dips, cheese, even Pizza and more.
Come check out the paperbak book on Amazon here.
The kindle version can be found here.
Join me Eating 7 Days of Raw foods with this transitional plan that is tried, tested and works!
To your glowing health,