Non Fiction Juice Pulp Crackers Recipe

The left over pulp from juicing is an excellent ingredient to use to make crackers. This juice pulp cracker recipe is made with a base of flax, seeds and juice pulp and has lots of herbs and onion to flavor it. These crackers are not only delicious but the texture is great as well. They are crisp, yet light and they break easily and have a good crunch to them. Everyone agreed that these were quite awesome!
I find carrot pulp one of the best for making crackers. I also love to get greens in whenever possible, so a carrot based green juice recipe is perfect. I used the pulp from my Rocket Fire Green Juice, which has lots of garlic and ginger in it. If you don’t have these in your juice you can just add a little more spice into the crackers. Adding an extra garlic clove would never hurt in the crackers.. but I love garlic!
The apples give a great taste but I did have to pick out the skin, so beware of that if you use apples in yours. Peel the apples before juicing, or just pick out the skins like I did. It’s a pretty easy job!
Non Fiction Juice Pulp Crackers Recipe
2 cups of Juice pulp, left over from juicing
½ cup Parsley – stems removed and chopped
¼ cup Chives (a small handful) – chopped
¼ cup Onion – chopped
1 ½ cups Flax seeds – ground
½ cup Pumpkin seeds – soaked
½ cup Sunflower seeds – soaked
2 Tbsp Tamari
1 Tbsp Onion Powder
1 to 1 ½ cups Water
Soak your seeds and chop your onion and herbs into large chunks. The food processor will do most of the chopping for you. I ground my flax in a Vita-Mix, but it can be ground in batches with a small spice of coffee grinder, or bought pre-ground.
Put your ground flax and left over vegetable pulp in a large bowl. Add the chopped onion, herbs and drained seeds to the processor and process until chopped up into uniform, small pieces. Add the processed ingredients to the bowl with flax and pulp and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. I like to use my hands; it’s messy but works great. Add 1 cup of water to start and add more if needed to make a consistency that is not too wet, but easy to spread.
After it is well mixed, measure out 3 cups onto each teflex sheet. This is the amount that works best for the larger, 5 and 9 tray, Excalibur dehydrators. I had exactly 6 cups, perfect for filling 2 trays. Spread out evenly to edges and then score with a butter knife or non-sharp, flat edged utensil. Dehydrate for 4 to 8 hours, then flip over onto a mesh screen and continue dehydrating until desired crispness. All together it will probably take about 18 hours, give or take a couple hours depending on how wet your cracker mixture was to start with.
Store crackers in an air tight container. If they are well dried, they will keep well for at least a month, and perhaps several. The drier and crispier they are, the longer they will last.
Juicing photos
Assemble ingredients. I used sesame seeds instead of sunflower seeds, as I had run out of sunflower. Both will work fine.
Soak seeds and grind flax, if not pre-ground. I always grind flax fresh as I need it. Chop onion and herbs.
Put ground flax and juice pulp in a big bowl.
Drain the seeds and put these along with herbs and onion into the processor.
Process until everything is in small uniform size bits.
Add processed ingredients along with all the rest of the ingredients to the bowl.
Mix well. I find mixing with my hands the quickest and easiest, but it’s also the messiest!
3 cups per 14″ x 14″ dehydrator sheet works great. This is the size of the trays for the 5 and 9 tray Excalibur models.
Spread out cracker dough evenly to edges. I find having a bowl of water next to you to wet hands occasionally helps a lot and makes this process much easier.
Score, using the edge of a spatula or a knife that is not sharp, into desired size for your crackers.
Dehydrate crackers until crisp. Flip onto a mesh screen half way through drying. When finished transfer to air tight containers to store, or to a plate to share with your friends!