A New Black Bean Burgers Recipe

A great veggie burger recipe is so great to have. I posted another black bean burgers recipe that was very popular over a year ago. So also check out my Hemp Protein Burgers recipe. This recipe is also delicious and quite different. ..and hey, we can all use a few great veggie burger recipes in our recipe box, right?
Even if you are raw, often we are eating with family and friends who are not and it’s great to have recipes to share.
I sometimes collect healthy vegan recipes to make for my mom. Since her stroke, she is leaning to more cooked and comfort foods, like this recipe that she loves! So we’ve found a balance that works for us.
You can amp the nutrition factor up also by eating these in a big letuce leaf, loaded with veggies, avocado, sprouts and healthy condiments!
How to Cook Black Beans
For convenience you can use a can of black beans, but beans are so easy to cook yourself.
Just let them soak overnight covered with water in a pot. In the morning drain, rinse and cover again with water in a pot and then boil them until they are soft. Then drain and that’s it.
Easy peasy, or easy beansy actually!
Ok, let’s go make those burgers!
Black Bean Burgers Recipe
2 cups cooked Black Beans, or 1 19 ounce can – rinsed and drained
¾ cup Sweet Potato – cooked and mashed
1 cup cooked Brown Rice
1 cup Oat flour – ground oats
½ cup Parsley – chopped
1 Onion – chopped
2 Garlic cloves – minced
Coconut oil for frying
1 Tbsp Onion powder
2 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 tsp Chili powder
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp each Salt and Pepper
note: You can add beets in with the sweet potato also. They give a little more nutrition and a deep rich color.
Cook and prepare black beans, sweet potatoes and rice. Fry onion and garlic in a little coconut oil. Mash black beans until half mashed in a large bowl and add all of the rest of the ingredients. Mix well and then form into half cup size burgers. Heat a frying pan, add a little oil and fry burgers a few minutes on each side. Serve on big lettuce leaves or a bun.
Makes 8 burgers.
We made a huge batch of these recently at the Lotus Heart Retreat Center and they were a big hit. Everyone loved them. I don’t have a lot of photos to share of us making them.
They were very easy to make though, as you can see from the directions.
Check out this huge bowl. We made so many, and they disappeared. I bet your veggie burger loving friends will love these too!
Bon Appetit! With Love,