Muscled Up Skipper Sandbag Workout est 22 min

This sandbag workout is a combination of skipping and exercises using a sandbag. I added a little extra weight to my sandbag and had it at 25 pounds for this one. I expected to get in 3 rounds, but was done by 2, probably due to the extra resistance. The skipping gives a nice little break to the sandbag exercises after each round. The sandbag T pull push ups and the good morning sandbag squats were new exercises for me and I really liked them. Actually, I really liked the whole combination of these exercises.
The first round was filmed and took me 12 minutes and 10 seconds to finish. The 2nd I did afterwards without filming and it took me 10 minutes and 22 seconds. I know I can go quicker without the added filming process going on and I suspect that my time will get better as time goes on and I get more accustomed to this process. For now, I am sure my time is affected by this but I am continuing to put my time up anyway.
Muscled Up Skipper Sandbag Workout
Workout Breakdown
Time Challenge. Do the following 2 times:
10 Sandbag Clean and Press Burpees
15 Sandbag T Pull Push ups
20 Good Morning Sandbag Squats
25 Sandbag Sit ups
30 Sandbag Swings
80 High Knee Skips
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Sandbag Clean and Press Burpees
With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it’s up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground. This is one rep.
Place sandbag on ground and then get into high plank (push up position) just to the right side of sandbag so that sandbag is at chest level on ground below you just to your left. Do a push up and then with the hand on side opposite the sandbag reach under to the end handle on sandbag and pull it underneath you to the other side. Next lift the hand that just pulled the sandbag towards the ceiling so that arm is straight above you then lower and come back to plank. This is one rep. Repeat movements on the other side, and continue alternating sides for each rep.
Stand with legs hop width apart and reach over to pick up sandbag from ground in front of you. Lift up and flip over onto the backs of hands and hold sandbag close to chest. Then bend over at waist 90 degrees, keeping legs straight and back straight, so that back is parallel with floor and come back up to standing, then squat down continuing to hold sandbag close to chest and come up. This is one rep.
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding sandbag overhead, sit up while raising sandbag up as high as you can, then lie back bringing sandbag back overhead. This is one rep
Standing with legs shoulder width apart, hold onto middle handle of sandbag with both hands. Hold it low, at or just between legs, and swing up so that arms are parallel to ground at shoulder height. Squeeze glutes and push with hips as you swing the bag forward and up, let your hips do most of the work. Then let the bag come back down to just between legs and repeat. Each swing up is one rep.
is like jogging in place, or regilar, skipping but you bring each knee up as high as you can as each leg comes up.