Muscle Invasion Dumbbell Workout 15 min

This dumbbell workout is an HIIT workout with straight interval training. Six dumbbell exercises are rotated and each is done three times. There are lots of weighted ab exercises along with squats, dumbell swings and one of my favorites, manmakers. The flow is smooth and there are new exercise variations to entertain the mind, helping the time to quickly slip by. Join me for an effective, fun and fast full body workout.
This dumbbell workout will strengthen and tighten the core, build abs and tone the body all over. All you need is a dumbbell or other weight. I used a 5 pound and two 10 pound dumbbells. For the squat and swing I will try 15 pounds next time, but it is best to start lower when doing a new workout. You could use a medicine ball or other weighted object easily instead.
If you don’t have dumbbells, do regular burpees for the manmakers. You can use a waterbottle or just use bodyweight for the crunches and Russian twist.
Online timers, and info about Gymboss, can be found here.
Muscle Invasion Dumbbell Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 secs work and go through the following exercises 3 times:
Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Swing
Russian Twist with Dumbbell
Crunches with Dumbbell Hand to Hand Pass
Rotating Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Swing
Dumbbell Star Crunch, Dumbbell Toe Touch
Muscle Invasion Dumbbell Workout on Video
My Reps
Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Swing – 10, 11, 10
Russian Twist with Dumbbell – 34, 36, 37
Manmakers – 4, 4, 4
Crunches with Dumbbell Hand to Hand Pass – 14, 15, 15
Rotating Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Swing – 10, 11, 11
Dumbbell Star Crunch, Dumbbell Toe Touch – 15, 15, 16
Exercise Descriptions
Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Swing
Start at standing position with legs shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in both hands in front of you. Squat down bringing dumbbell down to ground and when you come back up swing dumbbell up to overhead and then back to start position. Continue doing squats and overhead swings with dumbbell in this position.
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding dumbbell close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing dumbbell to opposite hip near ground. Continue twisting torso and bringing dumbbell down to alternating sides. Each touch down with dumbbell is one rep.
Squat and place hands on dumbbells, jump legs back, do a push up and then a row with one arm, then a row with the other arm, jump legs in and do a dumbbell press, lifting dumbbells overhead, with both dumbbells at same time. Return dumbbells to ground. This is one rep.
Crunches with Dumbbell Hand to Hand Pass
Laying on ground with knees bent and feet on the ground, have arms outstretched at sides and with a dumbbell in one hand, then crunch up torso while bringing both arms up, in a circular motion keeping arms straight, in front of you, pass the dumbbell to your other hand, always keeping both arms straight, and as you release the crunch bringing torso back to ground, also bring both arms back to ground, stretched out at sides with the opposite hand holding onto dumbbell. On the next rep during the crunch, in the same manner, transfer the dumbbell back to the hand it started in and continue with passing dumbbell from hand to hand for each rep.
Rotating Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Swing
Start at standing position with legs shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in both hands in front of you. Squat down bringing dumbbell down to ground and when you come back up swing dumbbell up to overhead and then bring it back to start position. Keeping one foot in the same spot turn body around 180 degrees so one leg swings around and you are facing the opposite direction. Do a squat and an overhead swings with dumbbell in this position and then keeping the foot that last swung around in the same position swing body with other foot around 180 degrees moving further away from your start position. Now you are facing the same direction as when you started, do another squat and swing, turn 180 degrees in the same direction again and squat and swing. After 4 reps reverse movements and for each rep turn 180 degrees moving back toward your start position. Continue in this manner.
Dumbbell Star Crunch, Dumbbell Toe Touch
Lie on mat with legs lifted and straight at a 90 degree angle from body, with arms holding a dumbbell at ground behind your head. Open legs wide into a V keeping them straight and bring dumbbell up, crunching torso and reach through legs with dumbbell. Bring dumbbell back to start position behind head and bring legs close together again. Then bring dumbbell forward again and reach up with it towards toes, crunching torso and return to start position. This is one rep. Continue doing these movements alternating between the star crunch and toe touch.