Lunges Crunches Action! Workout

This workout is 5 rounds of Jump Lunges, Crunches, Burpees and Skipping. The exercises are the same for each round, except for the crunches and for these you do a different type of crunch in each round. This workout took longer than I anticipated and really had me sweating. This is a serious leg workout and I was really feeling it the day after. Jump Lunges do amazing things for legs!!
Lunges Crunches Action! Workout
Workout Breakdown
Time challenge. Set your timer and see how long it takes you to do this workout.
Do 5 rounds of the following:
25 Jump Lunges
40 Crunches, different each round – see below
10 Burpees
80 Skips
Crunches for each round:
Round 1 – One Leg Toe Touch with Medicine ball
Round 2 – Suitcase Crunch with Medicine ball
Round 3 – Toe Touch with Medicine ball
Round 4 – Sit Up with Medicine ball
Round 5 – Side Double Crunch with Medicine ball
The jump lunges can be brutal, especially after a few rounds of them. I often will modify by doing backward lunges when my legs get too tired. I did this for the last few reps in a few of the last rounds.
This workout took me 31 minutes and 28 seconds to complete. It was killer and I had to take a couple small breaks. Try it and see how long it takes you!
Workout in Action
Exercise Descriptions
Start in a forward lunge position, a low wide walking stance with front leg bent and back leg straight, and simultaneously jump up switching feet so that legs are in opposite positions, the one that was behind is forward and bent, and the one that was forward is now behind. Continue jumping and alternating positions of legs and feet. Each jump is one rep
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Regular skipping is like jogging in place while jumping rope, jump once each rope turn with alternating legs.
One Leg Toe Touch with Medicine ball
Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground holding onto medicine ball, lift one leg and arms up simultaneously, touch toe with medicine ball and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep
One Leg Suitcase Crunch with Medicine ball
Lie flat on mat or ground with legs straight on floor and arms behind head holding onto Medicine ball, bring one knee in to chest while raising torso, crunching abs and bringing the medicine ball over knee towards feet, then reverse movements bringing leg back to ground and medicine ball back overhead. Continue these movements alternating legs for each rep.
Lay on mat and bring legs up so they are at 90 degrees with soles of feet facing ceiling, hands are overhead holding onto a medicine ball on the ground, crunch up torso and bring ball overhead to touch toes and then keeping legs up throughout all movements, lower torso and ball back to the ground. This is one rep. Continue repeating these movements
Lying on mat with legs and knees bent, feet on ground, hold a medicine ball in hands above your head close to ground, then sit up and bring ball forward and touch ball to the ground between your feet. Then reverse movements back to start position. This is one rep.
Side Double Crunch with Medicine ball
Laying on ground and holding medicine ball at navel area, crunch up torso and bring legs and knees into center while twisting and bringing medicine ball out to one side of knees, release movements bringing legs back out and medicine ball back to navel and then repeat movements but twist body to the other side and bring medicine ball to the other side of your knees, release again and continue these movement switching sides for each rep.
Have a great workout!