Love Me 3 Times Burpee Workout 22 min

Doing different reps of exercises in interesting combinations make a workout go by fast. Your mind is kept so busy thinking of what to do next and you can easily lose track of time so that before you know it, you are done. This workout took me almost 22 minutes to complete. It is made up of 2 parts. The burpee part – 4 reps of each of 3 different types of burpees – is done 3 times: before, in between, and after the interval parts. Lots of core and ab exercises in this one!
This workout has exercises using a dip station and medicine ball. If you don’t have these see alternative ideas for exercises below.
Love Me 3 Times Burpee Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 5 parts.
Parts 1, 3 and 5 are the same and made up of 4 reps each of 3 types of burpees.
Parts 2 and 4 are the same and are 8 minutes of interval training. Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 sec rest and 30 sec work. Go thorough the 6 exercises listed twice for each part.
Here it is in full:
Part 1 – 4 Side Burpees, 4 Dynamic Burpees, 4 Knee Raise Burpees on Dip Station
Part 2 – 8 min intervals: 12 rounds of 10 sec rest and 30 sec work. Go through these exercises 2 times:
Oblique Knee Raises
Side Plank Mill
Sit Up with Ball Pass
Reverse Push ups
Twist Knee Tucks
Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Part 3 – 4 Side Burpees, 4 Dynamic Burpees, 4 Knee Raise Burpees on Dip Station
Part 4 – 8 min intervals: 12 rounds of 10 sec rest and 30 sec work. Go through these exercises 2 times:
Oblique Knee Raises
Side Plank Mill
Sit Up with Ball Pass
Reverse Push ups
Twist Knee Tucks
Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Part 5 – 4 Side Burpees, 4 Dynamic Burpees, 4 Knee Raise Burpees on Dip Station
Alternative Exercises – If you don’t have a dip station, substitute and do regular burpees instead of knee raise burpees. Do oblique or side knee tucks from plank position for oblique knee raises and a variation of push ups or rows for the reverse push ups. If you don’t have a medicine ball substitute another weighted object, ball or do them with just bodyweight. Make the workout work for you!
See it in Action
Exercise Descriptions
Squat down and put hands together on ground in diamond position a little off to one side, then jump both legs out sideways in the other direction, push up then jump legs in and jump up, alternate sides for each rep.
Dynamic Burpees with Jumping Jack
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, then jump legs out wide as you do push up and jump them back in as you come up from push up, jump legs back in and do a jumping jack when you come back up.
Standing behind dip station, squat and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position and do a push up, then jump legs back in and step or reach forward grasping handles of dip station and do a knee raise, straightening arms to lift yourself up off the floor, bending legs and bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to floor and step back behind dip station. This is one rep.
Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, bend legs at an angle and bring up knees towards your chest using your oblique (side ab) muscles, then lower legs back down to standing. This is one rep.
Start in side plank with arm outstretched toward ceiling, turn body to high plank position without touching ground with extended arm, in plank extend it out directly in front of you, go back into side plank position, extending arm upwards and continue going back and forth between these 2 positions.
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding medicine ball overhead, sit up and pass ball around one leg, lie back bringing ball back overhead and repeat circling ball around other leg, continue alternating sides
Sitting on ground just in front of dip station, reach up and grab handles, bend legs or stretch out legs in front of you. The further legs are out, the harder pulling yourself is so bend your legs to make it easier to pull yourself up and straighten legs out for more of a challenge. Then pull yourself up using your lats (back muscles just below shoulders) and lower yourself back down. Continue pulling yourself up and lowering for as many reps as you can in time or for number of reps indicated.
Starting in high plank position, bring one knee in to opposite elbow and twist body bringing hip on side of tucked knee down towards ground and return, repeat with other knee twisting body to other side with the knee tuck and continue these movements alternating sides for each rep.
Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding medicine ball close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing medicine ball to opposite hip near ground. Continue twisting torso and bringing medicine ball down to alternating sides. Each touch down with medicine ball is one rep.
Have a great workout!!