Lotus Heart Center and my February plans

I’m posting a personal note today to tell you about my plans for February, and about the Lotus Heart Center. Last weekend I was all set to book a ‘business trip’ to Cuba with some friends. We had been talking about it for the past couple of weeks. It was all very exciting but then almost simultaneously the Universe seemed to change plans for most of us. On my side, I received an email from Andre. I first met Andre at a raw restaurant I worked at years ago. Andre is awesome, very soulful and runs the Lotus Heart Center in Brighton Ontario.
It turns out that he needs a chef for an upcoming retreat that he has booked. Well, to make a short story even shorter, it all felt very cosmic and meant to be, as well as an awesome challenge and I accepted. So I am now creating menu plans for my 3 week position as chef at the Lotus Heart Center. In less than a week, I’ll be flying back to Toronto and then heading to Brighton. I will continue posting here and sharing recipes and thoughts as usual. I know it’s going to be busy but I’m excited about this new challenge and temporary change. I’ll be back home by Feb 26. Mom will be well taken care of while I am away. She fully supports this and thinks it’s a great idea!
About The Lotus Heart Retreat Center
(from the website)
The Lotus Heart Centre blossomed from the Heart as an inspiration to offer a unique and sacred space for people to Awaken, Experience, & Transform in ways that best serve their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
The Lotus Heart Centre is open and available to all individuals of diverse religious or spiritual backgrounds and traditions; for those seeking a spiritual path, and for those who have yet to realize that they are seeking something, “That” something which is already within their Being: their own “True Nature”.
The Lotus Heart Centre is also a place for those who simply wish to get away from every day stresses and need a peaceful environment to rest, relax, and rejuvenate at the level of the mind, body and soul.
The Lotus Heart Centre offers accommodations for bed and breakfast, yoga and meditation retreats, workshops and special events. There are extra rooms available to accommodate larger groups if required.
The Lotus Heart Centre is a member of the Hridaya-Yoga family of Meditation Centres opening in various countries around the world. Hridaya-Yoga and meditation classes will be offered on a weekly basis to guests and those from the local community who wish to attend. Hridaya-Yoga lectures and retreats will also be held on a frequent basis; the dates will appear on our events calendar.
The yoga hall, guest rooms and wellness spa are modern, spacious, and provide an excellent atmosphere to allow the Heart to open, the energy to flow and transformation to occur.
The meals are strictly vegetarian; vegan or raw food meal plans are also available.
Upcoming Recipes
I have a couple new raw recipes to share with you in the next few days. I am putting together my newsletter and this week’s will have a beautiful jewel colored and delicious Beet Carrot Parsnip Couscous. I also have a new Kale Salad recipe that is my favorite recipe lately! We ate it all right away and I made it again the next night. I just can’t get enough of this. It has apple and smoked paprika and is amazing, so make sure to watch for it!
Also, I’m collecting recipes and putting together menus for the Lotus Heart Center. Along with some of my favorites, I plan to make a few new recipes and will take pictures and will bring you into the kitchen with me there too! I love to bring you into the kitchen with me!!
Also make sure to check out my facebook page while I’m away as I’ll be sharing photos and what’s going on there too! I’m excited for this new adventure and to share it with you!
Thanks for joining me!
Love and Peace,