Legs of Steel Workout 16 min

This 16 minute interval training workout is a collection of some of my favorite leg and ab exercises. I was really feeling my arms from the Burpees Gone Wild Workout yesterday and decided to give my upper body a break and focus on lower body and abs. I really enjoyed the flow in the sequence of the exercises in this workout.
Legs of Steel Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 24 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following sequence of exercises 2 times:
1. One Leg Toe Touch
2. Jump Lunges
3. Sit Up with Ball Pass
4. Frog Squat Booty Raises
5. Leg Lift, Butt Lift, Star Crunch
6. Russian Twist with Medicine Ball
7. Get Ups
8. Knee to Elbow Crunch
9. Side Lunge Jumps
10. Circle Plank with Medicine Ball
11. Squat and Round Kick, alternate sides
12. Skipping
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, lift one leg and both arms simultaneously, touch toe and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep.
Start in a forward lunge position, a low wide walking stance with front leg bent and back leg straight, and simultaneously jump up switching feet so that legs are in opposite positions, the one that was behind is forward and bent, and the one that was forward is now behind. Continue jumping and alternating positions of legs and feet. Each jump is one rep
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding medicine ball overhead, sit up and pass ball around one leg, lie back bringing ball back overhead and repeat circling ball around other leg, continue alternating sides.
From standing with legs wider than shoulder width and feet pointing out 45 degrees, bend over at waist and place hands between the front (toe) part of feet, squat down so hips and butt are as low as you can go close to ground. This is your start position. Now keeping hands on the floor at all times, straighten your legs bringing your butt up and when you get legs as straight and butt as high as possible, fingertips always touching ground, then lower back down to start position. This is one rep, continue bringing butt up and down, straightening and bending legs into deep squat.
Leg Lift, Butt Lift, Star Crunch
Lie on back flat on mat, bring both legs up together to 90 degree angle and lift butt off ground, then open legs wide and crunching torso, reach hands close together through open legs as far as possible, bring body back to lying position and repeat.
Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding medicine ball close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing medicine ball to opposite hip near ground. Continue twisting torso and bringing medicine ball down to alternating sides. Each touch down with medicine ball is one rep.
Lay on mat with knees bent and feet on ground with arms beside you. Then sit up, bending one leg under you and put other foot on ground, using the strength of that leg lift yourself up – try to not use hands for support, and get up to standing. Then reverse movement to lie down again and continue repeating these movements. To modify, use your hands for support to help you get up.
Lay back on mat with knees bent and hands behind head, bring torso up towards knees and twist body to one side bringing one elbow to opposite knee, release and go back to start position, then repeat movements on other side bringing the opposite elbow to its opposite side knee. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
from standing place left leg out to side keeping it straight and bend right knee going down into a side lunge, touch ground with left fingers. From this position jump and switch doing a side lunge on the other side, so that right leg is straight and knee of left leg is bent and touch ground with fingers of right hand. Continue jumping and each time doing a side lunge on the opposite side. Each lunge and touch down is one rep
Circle Plank with Medicine ball
Start in high plank (push up) position, supporting yourself with left arm, place your right hand on medicine ball and roll ball around in a huge circle formation always keeping it within reach. Make 3 circles and then roll it towards left hand and switch, this time supporting with right arm and using left hand to roll medicine ball around in circles. Each circle is one rep.
Stand with legs hip width apart and with an object in front to kick over, or you can imagine something to kick over, squat and then with one leg give a big circular kick over an object in front of you. Your left leg will kick around counter clockwise to the left and your right leg will kick clockwise to the right. Then bring leg back to ground, squat again and then kick with the opposite leg in the opposite direction. Each squat is one rep.
Regular skipping is like jogging in place while jumping rope, jump once each rope turn with alternating legs.
Have a great workout!