Joy of Living Foods is now a very Limited Edition – Collectors Item?

Every once in awhile life throws you a curve ball. I got one last night but I am an awesome curve ball catcher! I like to think of myself as adaptable, and that when one door closes another opens. The ending of one thing can lead to something better. The butterfly effect.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” ~ Charles Darwin
I fill my facebook page and newsletter with empowering quotes and thoughts and they can help when life hands you a situation that doesn’t initially appear to be positive. When life gives you something hard to deal with that’s when you really get a chance to see how strong you are. Of course, this is nothing compared to an illness, or say Mom when she had her stroke. Now there’s a challenge. No this is much lighter, no one’s hurt. Its just a little (seemingly) setback that felt like a light blow to the stomach, but more of a ‘Oh Come on, Really??”
So what happened?
I received a letter in my inbox last night from CBS, from the person in charge of the trust of the 1931 classic cookbook, Joy of Cooking. According to them my use of the name for a raw food book infringes on the trademark. I will attach the PDF below. I am sure other people have used the name before. I thought it was quirky and cute and was actually surprised it was even there as a domain, which I own but haven’t created a website for yet. Guess I can let that one go now. I am sure there are other ‘Joy of’ books out, and I could contest this. But would I have a chance? I would imagine they have deeper pockets and I somehow don’t think Amazon is going to back me. But I wouldn’t go there anyway. It’s just not my way.
Here’s the letter from mallory Levitt/s of CBS
The Good News
So after feeling a little sad about the email. I didn’t mean to cause any problems with Joy of Cooking people. I perhaps should have looked further into it before I used the name. I am sure it had been used for other subjects, and it is such an old book, from 1931, I kind of thought it might be in the public domain by now. I just checked, it’s books written before 1923, close. Ok, so I’ll accept responsibility of not having looked into it enough. ..but really. I still shake my head at this. Seriously? If they think I am going to cause any infringement on the sales of the Joy of Cooking.. well, I must be a lot better than I was giving myself credit for.
I’m a self published author who hasn’t seen a dime, or any income from my efforts yet. Actually a few dollars, but they haven’t come close to covering my costs (which I keep very low). I have worked morning until midnight, almost every single day, giving away what I think are totally awesome recipes and information to encourage the health and healing of my fellow humans and build an awesome healthful conscious community of amazing like minded people. I look at it as my passion right now to keep myself on a healthful path as I care for my mom.
My business strategy – Maybe a little crazy, but it just may work
I decided to take the ‘let’s give it all away for free and see what happens’ path and I still have faith that everything that I give out will somehow come back. Besides, I am bountifully blessed in so many aspects and really happy with my life. I have faith and trust in the Universe and have decided to follow my intuition and do what feels right and what my inner guidance tells me to do. Worse case scenario: I’ve built a totally rawking high vibe website and experience on the web and created lots of cool recipes and workouts that I am proud of.
I used to be an installation artist. This now is my art. It’s a life experience and I keep fit and healthy in the process and make some awesome friends. Best perk ever!
And I have faith that something wonderful and hopefully sustainable will come from it. But back to the story.
Divine Intervention
Here’s where the story get’s really cool! About an hour after receiving the e-mail and I am already with a paper and pen thinking up new names, Eric comes to deliver my sprouts. I usually pick them up at the market, but my car is in getting fixed right now and he offered to deliver them after his yoga class. He comes and I start telling him my story. He asks if he can invite his friend in, of course.. and it turns out she’s a graphic designer. ..or an angel maybe? We’ll see. But how cool is this!? A graphic designer shows up on my doorstep right then. Coincidence?
I thought that was pretty awesome no matter what comes form it. It gives me more faith in the Universe and this path. I get many little encouragements that this is all worthwhile and right and I wanted to share this story with you.
What next?
First I am looking at The Joy of Living Foods as a VERY limited edition and potential Collectors Item. It is filled with awesome recipes and will only be available for a few more days with this name.
My plan is to think up a new name. If you have any ideas, leave me a comment, or email me at Then to have a new cover designed and republish the book.
I have already been thinking of starting a second book and so I have lots to think about re: branding.
Get your copy now if you would like one. It’s really cool, filled with awesome recipes and has years of love and work put into it. The same content will get republished with a new name and cover.. but this one rawks and there are limited copies out, which makes it even more awesome. Check it out on Amazon here.
Peace, love and health!