Jersey Turnpike to NYC Workout

This workout is non stop fast driving action. Great cardio in this 10 minute full body workout with emphasis on the legs and booty. The Jersey Turnpike exercise is amazing to help develop curves in the right places. This workout has a really fun and smooth flowing sequence of exercises. Time will fly and before you know it another great workout under your belt, and I mean literally, working to shape those legs and body.
Give it your all and have a fun ride!
Jersey Turnpike to NYC Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 15 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work.
Do as many reps as you can of each exercise during the 30 second intervals. Then write down your reps during the 10 second rest interval and get ready for the next exercise.
Work your way through the following exercises, and go through the sequence 3 times:
3 Point Split Plank Jumps
5 Plank Jack Push ups
Jersey Turnpike (aka Frog Squat Booty Raises)
Get Ups
Explosive Jumping Jacks
My Reps
3 Point Split Plank Jumps – 8, 10, 9
5 Plank Jack Push ups – 4, 4, 4
Jersey Turnpike (aka Frog Squat Booty Raises) – 15, 16, 14
Get Ups – 7, 7, 6
Explosive Jumping Jacks – 17, 17, 16
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
From Pike position, jump both feet up towards hands to the right side and then back, then jump both feet together up to the left side and back, then on 3rd jump, jump legs up but split, so right foot to right side and left foot to left side and then back. 3 jumps is one rep.
Get into push up position and do 5 plank jacks, jumping both legs out and then both legs in 5 times, and then do a push up. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as possible in time period.
Jersey Turnpike (aka Frog Squat Booty Raises)
From standing with legs wider than shoulder width and feet pointing out 45 degrees, bend over at waist and place hands between the front (toe) part of feet, squat down so hips and butt are as low as you can go close to ground. This is your start position. Now keeping hands on the floor at all times, straighten your legs bringing your butt up and when you get legs as straight and butt as high as possible, fingertips always touching ground, then lower back down to start position. This is one rep, continue bringing butt up and down, straightening and bending legs into deep squat.
Lay on mat with knees bent and feet on ground with arms beside you. Then sit up, bending one leg under you and put other foot on ground, using the strength of that leg lift yourself up – try to not use hands for support, and get up to standing. Then reverse movement to lie down again and continue repeating these movements. To modify, use your hands for support to help you get up.
From standing position, bend knees into squat and reach down touching fingers to sides of feet. Then with an explosive jump, come up into a jumping jack, jumping legs out wide while and bringing arms out at sides and above head, then jump feet back in close together, coming down into squat and touching sides of feet again. This is one rep. Continue repeating movements doing as many reps as indicted or as many reps as you can for time.