How to Make Raw Lasagna


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This raw lasagna recipe is absolutely fantastic and I am going to take you through exactly how to make it with pictures and a video description so that you can clearly see and understand how to put this together. The lasagna noodles are made with zucchini and the texture is very similar to pasta. This is a real favorite, everyone loves it, and this is how it is made.  


Raw Lasagna Recipe


4 Zucchinis – peeled and cut into long, flat, thin strips using a vegetable peeler
4 Tomatoes
1 recipe of Tomato Marinara
1 recipe of Basil Spinach Pesto
1 recipe of Cashew Cheese


In a rectangular, 9”x13” or larger, baking pan or glass or ceramic dish place a layer of zucchini, lasagna pasta, noodles on the bottom of the pan, overlapping them some to make a flat base covering the bottom.

Next spread a layer of Tomato Marinara covering the zucchini ‘noodles’.
Then place spoonfuls of cashew cheese and pesto on top of the marinara.
Top with tomato slices.

Repeat again 2 times each layer: zucchini lasagna noodle, marinara, cashew cheese, pesto and tomatoes, so there are 3 layers of each and the last layer is finished off with tomato slices on top.

Cut into serving pieces and serve as is or top with some Pine Nut Parmesan.


How to make Raw Lasagna on Video



Photo Description

Assemble ingredients. Make Marinara sauce, Basil Pesto and cashew Cheese beforehand. Then peel zucchini and slice tomatoes.

raw lasagna - zucchini and tomatoes

First layer is the zucchini layer, lay zucchini slices flat like this.

raw lasagna - zucchini layer

Then spread with cashew cheese. If cheese is thick, drop dollops scattered on top and press it down spreading it gently to layer it on noodles.

raw lasagna - cashew cheese layer

Then spread a layer of basil spinach pesto.

raw lasagna - basil pesto layer

..and then a layer of tomato marinara sauce.

raw lasagna - marinara layer

The last layer is of tomatoes, but all of these layers get put on 3 times.
So, it goes: zucchini noodles, cashew cheese, pesto, marinara, tomato slices, and then..
zucchini noodles, cashew cheese, pesto, marinara, tomato slices, and then..
zucchini noodles, cashew cheese, pesto, marinara, tomato slices and then you are done!

raw lasagna  - last layer of tomato slices

Now slice it and serve. Top with pine nut parmesan if desired. This is a definite favorite. It is delicious!!



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