Hot Side Show Abs Workout 24 min

Hot Sideshow Abs Workout is a 24 minute HIIT workout with all bodyweight exercises. It has lots of new and great abdominal exercises that focus on one side and then the other to really target the abs muscles being worked. The abs exercises are combined with one leg exercises, plank and burpees which are great for balance and so also work the core stabilizing, deeper assisting muscles to build core strength. This is great functional strength that will keep your body strong for all of your day to day movements and lessen chances of any injuries.
Hot Side Show Abs Workout
Workout Breakdown
24 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 36 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following sequence of exercises 3 times
One Leg Burpees – l
One Leg Burpees – r
One Side Leg Lift Toe Touch – l
One Side Leg Lift Toe Touch – r
One Leg Walk Out to Push Up– l
One Leg Walk Out to Push Up– r
Full Sit Ups with One Side Toe Touch – l
Full Sit Ups with One Side Toe Touch – r
Opposite Elbow to Knee Crunches – l
Opposite Elbow to Knee Crunches – r
Side Crunches – l
Side Crunches – r
To get a Gymboss timer, or see my favorite home gym equipment, check out the Resource page. To read more about the Gymboss timer, or get links for online interval timers, click here.
Abs Workout on Video
My Reps
One Leg Burpees – l – 4, 4, 4
One Leg Burpees – r – 4, 4, 4
One Side Leg Lift Toe Touch – l – 14, 17, 20
One Side Leg Lift Toe Touch – r – 12, 18, 19
One Leg Walk Out to Push Up– l – 4, 4, 4
One Leg Walk Out to Push Up– r – 4, 4, 4
Full Sit Ups with One Side Toe Touch – l – 11, 10, 11
Full Sit Ups with One Side Toe Touch – r – 10, 10, 11
Opposite Elbow to Knee Crunch – l – 14, 13, 15
Opposite Elbow to Knee Crunch – r – 12, 12, 13
Side Crunches – l – 20, 23, 20
Side Crunches – r – 20, 22, 24
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump back on one leg into plank position, with other leg elevated do a push up, jump supporting leg back in and jump up in the air. Alternate legs for each rep.
Lie on ground with legs straight and flat on ground, place one hand behind head and the other outstretched behind head with arm straight and on the ground. Lift the straight arm up and simultaneously lift the opposite side leg up and touch toes with fingertips then bring your leg and arm back down to start position on the ground. Continue doing reps crunching and reaching up with the same hand, and bringing up the same opposite leg for each rep. For the next interval perioddo reps bringing up the opposite hand and leg.
From standing bend over at hips so hands touch floor, lift one leg so that only one leg is on ground during all movements and walk hands out to plank position, do a push up, then walk arms back in and come back up to standing. Try to stay on one leg as much as possible even in standing position, only touching down for balance as necessary.
Full Sit Ups with One Side Toe Touch
Lie on ground with legs straight and wide apart and with arms outstretched behind head, hands together and touching ground. Sit up and bring your arms, kept straight and hands together overhead and down to touch the toes of one leg and then reverse the movements going back to start position. Continue doing these sit ups and touching the toes of the same leg throughout the interval period. For another interval period, do these sit ups and touch the toes of the opposite leg.
Opposite Elbow to Knee Crunches
Lie on ground with legs straight out and flat or just slightly bent and legs wide. Place your hands behind your head and then as you crunch bring in one knee and twist body bringing the opposite side elbow close to knee and then reverse motion going back to start position lying flat and continue doing these crunches repeating bringing up the same elbow and knee throughout the interval period. For another interval period, switch sides and do crunches bring in the opposite knee and elbow.
Lie halfway between being on your back and on your side, use the forearm of your bottom arm for support, bend your top arm so your hand is behind your head and have your knees slightly bent. Crunch lifting your torso up and bringing your knees up so that your elbow and knees come close together, go back to start position and repeat.