Hot Ninja Reptile Sexy Arms Workout est 14 min

This arms workout uses creative variations of push up exercises along with burpees and other jumping exercises to distract the mind, make the workout fun and get as many push ups out of you as possible. Different strategies are used to do the push ups exercises in different ways and work the major push up muscles: the pecs, the triceps and deltoids, and other upper body muscles: lats, biceps, as well as the inner stabilizing assisting muscles.
Doing different variations of the main bodyweight muscle building exercises uses different muscles and builds stronger core body strength. This building of core strength is beneficial in your day to day movements, keeping you stronger for not only day to day activities of carrying, lifting and moving but prevents injury or sprains from falls and accidents as well. Think of it like insurance, and of course it will make you happy when you look in the mirror too.
Hot Ninja Reptile Sexy Arms Workout
Workout Breakdown
5 parts
Parts 1, 3 and 5
10 Ninja Kick and Side Jump Reptile Burpees
Part 2 – 4 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 secs rest and 30 secs work and go through the following exercises twice:
Side Jump Push Ups
Commando Burpees with Tuck Jump
3 Plank Jack Push Ups with Roll over
Part 4 – 4 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 secs rest and 30 secs work and go through the following exercises twice:
T Push ups with Side Elbow to Knee Tuck
Walking Push Ups with Tuck Jump
Plank Walk Out with Knee Tuck Push Ups
Sexy Arms Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 2
Side Jump Push Ups – 8, 9
Commando Burpees with Tuck Jump – 4, 4
3 Plank Jack Push Ups with Roll over – 3, 3
Part 4
T Push ups with Side Elbow to Knee Tuck – 6, 7
Walking Push Ups with Tuck Jump – 3, 3 +1 pu
Plank Walk Out with Knee Tuck Push Ups – 4, 4
Exercise Descriptions
Ninja Kick and Side Jump Reptile Burpees
Do a reptile burpee, stand with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a reptile push up by lifting one leg, bending knee and bringing knee up towards elbow as you do the push up, then bring leg back and finish burpee by jumping both legs back in and then instead of jumping up, jump sideways landing on the outer foot and do a ninja kick, bringing raised leg up and kicking out to the side as high as you can. Now do another reptile burpee on this side lifting the opposite leg as last time for this rep. After jumping legs back in, jump again to the side, landing back in your starting position and continue in this manner alternating sides for each rep.
Start in push up position and jump legs both up together to below one hand, do a push up from this position, jump back to plank and then jump to the other side and do a push up from there. Each push up is one rep
Commando Burpees with Tuck Jump
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, then lay down with body on ground so stomach touches floor and then place hands under shoulders and use your arms to lift yourself up and do a knee tuck with one leg, lie flat on the ground again and in the same manner lift yourself up and do a knee tuck with the other leg, lay back down quickly and then lift your torso up with arms, jump legs in and then do a tuck jump by jumping up in the air as high as you can, bringing knees up to your chest and touch tucked knees with hands at highest point of jump.
3 Plank Jack Push Ups with Roll over
Get into push up position and do one plank jack and one push up, then another plank jack and another push up and then another plank jack and another push up, then lie on the ground, roll over 360 degrees. This is one rep. Continue in this manner doing as many reps as possible in the interval period.
T Push ups with Side Elbow to Knee Tuck
Do a regular push up and then turn into side plank position and extend your top arm up to ceiling in a straight line, then bend elbow, and crunch torso bringing elbow down towards knee as it bends and comes up to meet upper elbow. After crunch return leg back to position and arm back reaching towards ceiling, then lower arm and come back to plank. Alternate sides for each rep.
Walking Push Ups with Tuck Jump
From push up position, take a step to one side with one hand and foot on the same side and do a push up, walk hands and legs a step over again and do another push up, jump in and up to standing and do a tuck jump by jumping up in the air as high as you can, bringing knees up to your chest and touch tucked knees with hands at highest point of jump.
Plank Walk Out with Knee Tuck Push Ups
From standing bend over at the waist so that hands touch the floor and walk hands out to plank position, do two knee tucks, one with each leg, next do a push up and then walk arms back in, stand up and repeat.