Hopping Abs Jump Rope Workout est 15 min

A jump rope workout with hopping, jumping and skipping for Easter. This HIIT workout has skipping mixed with HIIT rounds. The HIIT exercises are not skipping but there is hopping and jumping and they do use the rope. There are new creative exercises again and the cardio exercises are combined with a brutal ab exercise. I even put an alternative in case you find it challenging too.
The killer exercise? Windshield wipers! I forgot how tough this exercise was! I left it in the video, but added an alternative as well- One Leg Toe Touch. I did the windshield wipers, but wow. I found them hard to do with good form!
Windshield wipers are great for the abs. This exercise hits all different abdominal muscles from the deep transverse ab muscles to the upper, lower and oblique muscles. So of course we want to do these and do them well!
Be careful!
You need strong ab muscles to do these really well. Be careful not to push too hard, so you do not pull a muscle. If you find going 90 degrees in each direction with your legs too hard, try going 45 degrees and building up to them.
My fitness challenge with them is in my new newsletter!
Because I found them so tough, I am giving myself an exercise challenge to do reps of them this week . I wrote about it in my new newsletter. The first issue is being mailed out this morning as well! So if you want it too, subscribe here, and I’ll send it out to you too! There’s a recipe for a chocolate protein power pudding and a diet challenge in here too!
Alternative no-rope exercises
If you don’t have a rope, you can do regular high knees or mountain climbers instead. It is easy to adapt the rope exercises in the HIIT interval workout parts and do them without a rope. You will see what I mean in the video!
You will need an interval timer. If you don;t already have a Gymboss, there are links to online timers here, and you can order a Gymboss here.
Hopping Abs Jump Rope Workout
Workout Breakdown
Part 1, 3 and 5 – 100 Skips
Part 2 and 4 – 6 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following exercises twice:
3 Lateral Hops to 3 Squats
Lateral Side Lunge Touchdown
Alternating Lateral One Leg Hop (10:10)
Windshield Wipers
Alternative to Windshield Wipers – One Leg Toe Touch
Jump Rope Workout on Video
My Reps
3 Lateral Hops to 3 Squats – 5, 5, 5
Lateral Side Lunge Touch Down – 20, 19, 22
Alternating One Leg Lateral Hop (10:10) – 5, 5, 5
Windshield Wipers – 11, 10, 11
Exercise Descriptions
High knee skipping is like jogging in place skipping but you bring each knee up as high as you can as each leg comes up.
Lay a rope on ground in an S shape, or 3 sticks on the ground, or use imaginary lines to jump over, and jump to the right with both feet together 3 times and then do 3 bodyweight squats. This is one rep. For the next rep jump back to the left coming to your start position and do 3 squats. Continue jumping laterally 3 times, doing 3 squats, alternating jumping from left to right for each rep
From standing position step right foot further out to the right side and do a side lunge, the right (outer) leg is bent and your left leg stays straight, and touch down to the corner of the right side of your mat (or rope spread out), then come back to center and hop out in opposite direction to the left, do a side lunge with the left leg and reach down to touch the left side of your mat (or other end of rope). Moving quickly, return to center and to the right again into a side lunge, and continue alternating sides and touching down to the opposite corner of mat (rope) for each rep.
Alternating Lateral One Leg Hop (10:10)
Jump on one foot from one side of a rope, stick or imaginary line on the ground to the other. Go back and forth over it 10 times with one foot, then switch feet and jump 10 times over line with the other foot. Continue alternating feet after each 10 jumps. Each 10 jumps is one rep.
Lie on ground with legs up at 90 degrees and feet up towards the ceiling, hold onto a stick, rope or a support behind your head to help assist and stabilize body. Bring legs held together down to one side and back up and in a smooth movement and over to the opposite side and back repeating going from side to side like the movement of windshield wipers, or a metronome. Try to keep the movements as smooth and steady as possible. This is a tough exercise, if you find it challenging be careful not to strain or go too far until your muscles are strong enough. The full movement goes down close to the ground on each side, but if this is challenging, try just going down about 45 degrees on each side.
Have a great workout!