Hop Over One Leg Reptile Push Up Burpees exercise

Hop Over One Leg Reptile Push Up Burpees – Standing with feet hip width apart, lift one foot off ground, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump your one standing leg back into plank position, keeping other leg off the ground do a reptile push up. That is, as you start to lower to do push up one leg is brought out and up to side, bending knee and bringing it toward elbow with leg held up off the ground, as you come up from push up, bring leg back but not touching ground and jump the one supporting leg back in. Then jump to the side in the direction of the lifted leg, landing on the leg that had been off the ground. This time raise the leg on the other side and repeat movements with the other leg raised. After this burpee, jump back to start position and continue doing burpees in this manner, alternating sides for each rep