Hey Mr Sandbag Workout est 22 min

Hey Mr Sandbag Workout, do a burpee for me.. or two or three. Fun! ..well, the workout seems fun but it’s a little brutal getting through the first part. Actually I think this is a good challenge and very doable. The first part is the type of challenge where you get halfway though and you say.. Oh, this is crazy, forget it..but then you go – wait. I’m half way finished, I’ll just do a few more reps.. and all of a sudden you’re finished and feeling awesome. ..and then it doesn’t seem so bad. ; ) That type of workout. ..and then the second interval part is a bit of a relief. Some great sandbag exercises and not a walk in the park, but it feels good to go back to intervals after the jumping and burpees. I really liked this workout and hope that you do too!
This workout is guaranteed to give you a blissed out, love filled, endorphin rush!
Hey Mr Sandbag Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 2 Parts
Part 1
Time challenge
Do 10 rounds as fast as you can of the following:
Set sandbag about 5 to 6 feet in front of you and then take a big jump to land just behind it. Pick it up and do 6 around the world sandbag squats, then set the sandbag down in front of you and take 2 jumps back. Now do 3 burpees.
To clarify, each round goes like this:
One Big Jump Forward,
6 Around the World Sandbag Squats,
2 Jumps Back,
3 Burpees
Part 2
10 Minutes of Intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following sequence twice.
Diagonal Clean and Press with Sandbag – left
Diagonal Clean and Press with Sandbag – right
Sandbag Pull Push ups
Sandbag 3 Pulse Squats
Sandbag Sit Ups
90 Degree Sandbag Crunches
Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 1 took me 11 minutes and 42 seconds.
Diagonal Clean and Press with Sandbag – left – 8, 9
Diagonal Clean and Press with Sandbag – right – 9, 9
Sandbag Pull Push ups – 10, 9
Sandbag 3 Pulse Squats – 11, 12
Sandbag Sit Ups – 12, 12
90 Degree Sandbag Crunches – 19, 18
Exercise Descriptions
Around the World Sandbag Squats
Start with legs shoulder width apart and sandbag held behind at upper back. Squat and then swing one arm overhead bringing sandbag around to front and then the other arm over to bring it back into starting position, so that the sandbag has just gone 360 degrees around your head. This is one rep. Change directions for each rep, going back and forth from clockwise to counter clockwise.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Diagonal Clean and Press with Sandbag
Standing straight with sandbag on floor at your side, beside your left foot, bend over and pick up by the 2 side by side handles going lengthwise, twist body so sandbag s in front of you and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and then turning to the right side straighten arms and press sandbag up towards the ceiling. Reverse these movements bringing sandbag back to start position back to start position. Continue doing reps of this exercise until interval time is up. For right to left, switch sides and start with sandbag beside right foot , bring up to center, flip (clean) onto backs of hands at center and twist body to left side while pressing sandbag up to ceiling.
Place sandbag on ground and then get into high plank (push up position) just to the right side of sandbag so that sandbag is at chest level on ground below you just to your left. Do a push up and then with the right hand reach under to the end handle on sandbag and pull it underneath you to the right side. Then do another push up and pull the sandbag underneath you to the left side. Repeat doing push ups and pulling sandbag to the opposite side for each rep.
From standing with feet shoulder width apart bring sandbag up and hold at navel area (by doing a clean and flipping onto backs of hands). Then squat down so that thighs come parallel with ground and pulse 3 times, then come up to standing. This is one rep. Continue doing squats and pulsing 3 times for each one while holding sandbag in front of you.
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding sandbag overhead, sit up while raising sandbag up as high as you can, then lie back bringing sandbag back overhead. This is one rep.
Lying on mat lift legs up at a 90 degree angle and bend knees so they also form a 90 degree angle (if you were turned upright you would look like you are sitting in a chair). Place sandbag on top of shins and while holding up sandbag crunch body up with arms at side of body hands reaching out to touch the sides of the sandbag. Each sandbag touch is one rep. Try to keep legs in 90 degree angles, as much as possible.