Hemp Oil Mayonnaise

I have an amazing raw vegan mayonnaise recipe that I am about to share with you. This is one of my favorite secret recipes now being disclosed! ; ) I usually make this recipe with olive oil, and love it like that.. but I thought I would experiment and try it with hemp oil and see how it would turn out. To be honest I expected it to not taste quite as good, and maybe be a little green – but I was wrong. It’s wonderful and delicious and is now my new favorite. I will continue to make this with hemp oil. Love it!!
Special thank to Ruth’s for sending me products for testing and supporting me on my new blog. I have always been a big Ruth’s fan. I love, trust and regularly use Ruth’s products!
Hemp Oil Mayonnaise
1 cup Cashews – soaked
1 cup Water
¼ cup Lemon juice
3 Tbsp Agave
1 ½ tsp Salt
½ tsp Mustard powder
½ tsp Onion powder
¼ tsp Garlic powder
1 c Hemp oil
Soak cashews at least 2 hours. They can soak for longer, even overnight if kept in the fridge. Drain and rinse the cashews in a colander and then put into blender with all other ingredients except the oil. Blend well at high speed for a couple minutes until a creamy consistency is reached. Lower the setting to medium speed and through the top hole in blender cap, or removing lid of you need to, while it is blending slowly drizzle oil into the cashew base until all of the oil is added and well incorporated. It will emulsify quite easily but continue blending for up to a minute afterwards. Turn off blender and your mayonnaise is made.
This mayonnaise keeps for a long time but not quite as long as traditional mayonnaise. It will keep for several weeks and I often find up to or over a month in the the refrigerator.
Mayo in blender.. there are sometimes little air bubbles.
Tip – to get rid of these, right after I pour the mayonnaise into bottles I tap bottle on the counter to help the air bubbles raise up and then stir gently with a knife and they almost completely go away by doing this.
This version is not only vegan and raw but much more healthy than traditional mayonnaise and it is much lower in fat content. Hemp oil, which is of a very high quality and full of EFA’s, healthy fats our body needs, makes up much less than half the recipe – whereas with traditional mayonnaise, besides the egg yolk it is almost completely oil and usually an unhealthy oil that we try hard not to consume. So it’s win – win: delicious, nutritious, and made with a super healthy oil ..and much lower fat content.
It’s a super creamy and luscious mayonnaise!
This is how much the recipe makes.. just over 3 cups.
To your glowing health!