Golden Protein Cookies

These are the cookies that I eat almost every morning. I think that one of these and a green smoothie makes a perfect breakfast! ..and this is what I do almost every morning lately. These cookies are made with SunWarrior vanilla protein but you could experiment and try making them with your favorite type. I have only tried using SunWarrior with this recipe and know that they are fabulous made with it.
Golden Protein Cookies
1 cup Almond flour – pulp from making almond milk, or ground almonds
1 cup Walnuts
1 cup Oat Groats – ground into flour
1 Banana
1 cup SunWarrior Vanilla Protein
½ cup Almond Butter
½ cup Maple Sugar
¼ cup Golden Raisins
2 Tbsp Maca
1 Tbsp Vanilla
dash Salt
Blend all together in food processor. Process just until well blended, not too much so that there are still little bits of golden raisins in dough. Drop by ¼ cups onto teflex sheets and lightly press to flatten and form into circles (or whatever shape you like). Dehydrate for 3-4 hours on teflex at 115 degrees, then flip onto a mesh screen & continue dehydrating for another 6 hours.
Photo Description
Assemble ingredients
note: I am missing golden raisins. I only noticed at the last minute and adapted with a little more maple sugar and a dash of maple syrup. I love the little raisin pieces it usually has, but it still turned out so well that I couldn’t stop eating the cookie dough!
Grind oat groats in a blender. Just put dry oat groats in and blend. I use a high speed blender and have not tried with a home blender. I think it would work fine but it might be good to use steel cut oat groats, which are just the oat groat cut up in smaller pieces. I often use these anyway as they are often easier to find. You can also use rolled oats and there would be no problem grinding those up but rolled oats are steamed open and therefore not raw.
Put all ingredients in a food processor and process. I didn’t have the raisins but I usually do and when I do I stop processing just before they get too broken up so that there are little pieces of raisin int he cookies. But they will be delicious no matter how much they get processed!
I use a quarter cup measuring cup to measure out the cookies. Just run a knife around the edges and they pop right out.
Flatten and shape cookies on teflex.
Dehydrate as in directions above. ..and then you have raw delicious protein cookies!