Going on Vacation and Crazy Garden Update
Our crazy garden has gone wild and admittedly, I could use a little more expertise in this area. Mom is more of the vegetable gardener in the family. I stuck more to flowers in my previous gardening experiences, only dabbling in vegetables for a few summers when my kids were young. I even made bean vine-covered teepees for them, which were really quite awesome! But anyway, I have tried to carry on with mom’s garden as best as I can. I will admit, however, that I could use a little help! I’ll share some photos of our awesome but crazy garden below.
The main news I have, is that I have decided to take the month of August off. I am not going anywhere special, but I have my niece coming for a couple weeks again soon and want to spend lots of time at the beach and hanging out, spending more time with my family and mom.
Mom has been awesome since I had the idea to create this website and has been making all the green smoothies and generally super supportive. It’s been great, I have loved posting and really appreciate your support, as I found a way to keep myself feeling busy and productive during this big transition in life and becoming a care giver again. So thank you!
While I feel like what I set out to do last year with the site has been accomplished, I do have a few more ideas to add to it. However, these require more behind the scenes work. So between working on projects, that I will share in September, and wanting to take some ‘me’ time and more quality family time, I’ve decided to take advantage of this time, as well as the sun, the beach, the books waiting for me, and go on vacation for the month.
I will be keeping up my facebook page. I love the community and sharing inspiration and fun there. I will send out my next newsletter, but quite possibly skip the following one. And I will be back in September! I am also around online, so if you want to contact me, please send me a message. I always love to hear from you!! It makes me happy, even just to connect and say hi! Being part of a community is a big part of why I do this. We are in this conscious, healthy, often against the flow, but really awesome and empowering lifestyle together.
So now come check out this crazy garden of ours!
Do you remember the 3 seeds that started growing from our compost pile, and that I didn’t know what they were?
Well, these 3 little transplanted seedlings took off and took over the front garden. They are huge! I am not sure if they are pumpkin blossoms or watermelon??! It will be interesting to see.
Thankfully we have lots of parsley peeking out between those big leaves!
We have lots of zucchini blossoms too! I planted these intentionally!
This is our biggest disaster. The bok choy really got eaten by something! yuck. But our kale, lettuce and chard looks great. Why did they go so crazy for the bok choy? It’s a mess and looks completely inedible. I guess I should pull it, but it’s kind of a garden experiment for me by now.
I spend more time on this side of the garden.. Mmm kale and lettuce. I could live on green smoothies and salads in the summer!
left above, right side below.. lots! I probably planted it too thick as well, but we’re gradually working on thinning it out.
The herbs went wild as well. For some reason our sage wintered well, which I didn’t expect, and so we have some blossoming (the plant from last year) and a newer sage plant. I let them both stay and poor rosemary is really squeezed in, but still producing lots for the kitchen. We also have lots of dill and basil (my favorite!) as well as thyme, tarragon and more. Having fresh herbs is my favorite part of having a garden! ..even if they are a little jumbled and tight. This is my most unruly herb garden to date! ..but still delicious.
Nasturtiums are awesome and ours really took off! The blossoms are pretty and great in salads and the leaves are good too, but only a few leaves for each salad for me. They are quite strong and peppery tasting!
The Swiss chard is so pretty! This is mostly the peppermint variety. We have the more traditional red, green and a rainbow variety as well. They are very pretty! ..and it’s great to have lots of varieties of greens. We rotate them in green smoothies to get a good variety.
I need to go do a little weeding. But we have little gems of color hiding and poking up here and there. The flowers got a little overrun by the big vegetable leaves. It’s ok for me, and kind of fun. I am a wildflower girl at heart and love the overgrown crazy look of a garden gone wild.. to a certain extent.
Overall, I probably should have spent a little more time here and enforced a little more order on this crazy garden of ours. It’s been a little unruly and quite wild and crazy. But to be honest down deep in my heart, I kind of respect that.
So I am off to go straighten it out a little now. I wish you a wonderful, wild and crazy, fun, healthy and active summer.
See you in September!
With love, Robin