Getting Settled in Toronto and Wychwood Barns Farmers Market

Mom & I are getting settled into our new flat in Toronto and it’s taking a little longer than I expected but I guess I didn’t quite realize how big a transition it was. We downsized so much on the other side I thought we would fit into our new place. But perhaps I should have realized, having lived in Toronto before, that the average size home is much smaller than those from the east coast. And especially Moms home, which was (3200 sq feet) pretty huge.
We are adapting but my ball chair didn’t fit through the doorway and is now in storage. Some of the other furniture barely made it, like my sofa and favorite big comfy red chair. The kitchen is tiny, which I could tell from photos, so I’ve been strategizing to make it functional and am actually surrounded by boxes from Ikea right now as I type.
I hadn’t seen this flat in person until I got here. I overestimated the size of it from the photos I had. Our new place is the top 2 floors of a house, and really it’s not bad size-wise for Toronto. We had just accumulated too much stuff!
So we continue to downsize and adjust to make this place comfortable and functional. I’m feeling pretty positive about it all, and..
We love our neighbourhood!
My closest friend lives a block away and my oldest son lives pretty close by (one short bus ride or drive away). My other 2 kids are also living in the west end so I hope to see them lots. We have met so many of our neighbours already. It is a very Italian area and there are lots of beautiful gardens around peoples homes..and gorgeous vegetable gardens in backyards. It’s really interesting here, lots going on. My cat Zoey is going out lots too..and hopefully making friends. I’m sure he has some negotiating to do.
I will be back blogging and posting recipes soon!
Oh, and I took on working 3 events (weekends) each month for Lotus Heart Center Retreat starting Aug 8th through to December. So I will be posting about what is going on there too. Of course I’ll be in the kitchen!
Here are some photos to share of our trip getting settled in Toronto so far:
The drive. My ex-husband flew in from Vancouver to drive Mom & I to Toronto. wow, that was pretty momentous and a fun drive too! He drove straight.. it took about 15 hours. We left right after putting Emily (my niece who was staying with us) on the train back to Halifax and we arrived in Toronto at about 7am. Zoey, my cat, was so much better for the drive than I expected!
Mom came with me downtown to get a parking permit. We had lunch at Nathan Phillips Square, within a block of Toronto Eaton Canter and City hall. It’s pretty awesome to sit here and see the city growing all around you. This may be the exact heart of the city.
On a walk along Bloor with my friend I saw this truck with fresh farm produce. I love the city!
On Thursday we went to Dufferin Grove farmers market, which I have been to many times and love. But Saturday morning we decided to check out the Wychwood Barns farmers market. It’s not far away from where we live and I loved this one!
Some photos from around the market:
There are lots of vendors..
Lots of great food..
and wonderful people.
Out back.. a playground and more vendors
I only saw the cafe when I was leaving, but nice set up.
It’s interesting inside the building..
This is where streetcars used to come to get repaired I think.
We missed the art show. I wanted to get back to Mom, who came to Dufferin market, but not this one. She would have loved the art show. Hopefully next week!
Kids playing their own world cup! We enjoyed watching them. Kids are so awesome.
I came home with lots of great stuff! The kitchen is getting stocked.
..and always lots of fruit! Mom has still been making green smoothies for us twice a day.
My friend and I sat here at a park close to Bloor and Yonge early this morning. Can you see the sculpture of the tree? I am quite sure these trees are Ginko Biloba trees!
The gardens next door. It’s such an awesome street we live on!
We are hanging paintings. These are mine up in my room, but we have way more of Mom’s paintings and others.. Our place is a little like a gallery. We will have to put many into storage.
Well, that’s it. I am off to put together some Ikea furniture and hang more paintings. It’s starting to feel like home.
Hugs, and love,