Full Body Full Heart Workout est 18 min

This workout has 5 rounds. 3 of them are cardio (Full Heart) rounds, and they are a mountain climbers/high knees/jumping jacks combo that should take under 2 minutes for each. These are done around the 2 interval parts which are both made up of different exercises, so you won’t get bored! I like to mix up the exercises. both it’s great for the body to use different muscles and also to keep the brain entertained so it’s busy thinking about what to do next and then the time just flies by and before you know it, another workout done! I hope you enjoy this one. I thought it flowed along well and was a fun one!
Full Body Full Heart Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 5 parts.
Parts 1, 3 and 5 – Cardio combo
Do 5 rounds of:
10 Mountain Climbers
10 High Knees and
5 Jumping Jacks
Part 2 – 6 minutes of Intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following exercises twice:
Reptile Push ups
Roll Back and Up to Tuck Jump
Jump Squats
One Leg Clap Under Crunches
Part 4 – 6 minutes of Intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following exercises twice:
Roll Back to Push up
Plank Jack to Pike Jump
Butt Lift Toe Touch
Workout on Video
My Reps
Parts 1, 3 and 5 – each took me just over 1 min and 30 seconds
Part 2
Reptile Push ups – 11, 10
Roll Back and Up to Tuck Jump – 6, 7
Jump Squats – 20, 21
One Leg Clap Under Crunches – 20, 20
Part 4
Roll Back to Push up – 4, 4
Tablemakers – 11, 10
Plank Jack to Pike Jump – 9, 9
Butt Lift Toe Touch – 13, 14
Exercise Descriptions
Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground; this is your start position. Simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible while performing these movements. Each time a leg jumps forward counts as one rep.
From standing, bring legs up with knees bent one at a time as high as you can. You can put hands out parallel to ground and try to hit hands with knees as you bring them up, alternating legs and doing this as quickly as you can. This exercise is like running on the spot, except that you are keeping back straight and driving knees up high with every rep.
Start at standing position and jump out legs wide while simultaneously bringing arms kept straight in a circle motion at side of body all the way up so hands meet overhead, then simultaneously jump feet back in close together and bring arms back down reversing the motion. This is one rep, continue jumping out and in while bringing hands up overhead and back.
Start in plank position and as you start to lower to do push up one leg is brought out and up to side, knee bent and held out off the ground while push up is done, as you come up bring leg back to start position and continue alternating legs for each rep.
Stand at end of mat and roll back so that knees are overhead, then roll forward and up to standing, then right away do a tuck jump, jumping up and bringing knees up to your chest and touching tucked knees at highest point of jump.
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and squat down so that thighs are parallel with ground and then push yourself up with legs and jump up, come back down into a squat and repeat jumping between each squat. Keep weight on the heel of your feet going into the squat but push off with ball of feet to jump up. Make sure that your knees never go out beyond your toes.
Lie on ground and crunch up torso while raising one leg and bring arms together in front and clap underneath raised leg and then return to star position. For the next rep lift the other leg and do the same crunching up and clapping under raised leg. Continue in this manner alternating legs being lifted for each rep.
Standing at one end of mat, roll back so knees are overhead and then forward again. Place hands on ground and jump (or step) your legs back to plank position and do a push up, then jump (or step) your legs in towards hands. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as possible in time period.
Sit on floor with legs straight out in front of you and hands palm down on ground by your hips. Now bend your knees and place feet flat on floor and push your body up with weight in hands to form a table position with body, facing up. Squeeze butt and push feet into the ground. Then release and come back keeping your body and butt off of the floor, with your weight in arms, push your lower back/butt back. This is one rep. Continue doing these movements alternating coming up to table position and then bringing seated body back and hips back.
Starting at high plank (push up) position first do a plank jack, jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center, and then jump feet in closer to body into pike position with hips high and then kick legs together up. This is one rep. Next jump back out to plank and continue repeating these movements for number of reps or time.
Lie on mat with legs lifted and straight at a 90 degree angle from body, with arms outstretched from body on ground, lift butt and bring arms up to touch toes. This is one rep. Continue alternating lifting your butt up and crunching up to touch toes.
Have a great day!