Empowered Sandbag Workout 12 min

This 3 part sandbag workout is a real core strengthening and tightening workout. With all of the squats and deadlifts this really works the legs, but primarily it targets the abs and core muscles. There are several one leg exercises, great balancing exercises to really develop the inner abs and assisting core muscles. These will help build your functional strength,which helps all daily movements and protects you from injury.
This HIT sandbag workout is only 12 minutes long and the time goes by fast. Every exercise is done using a sandbag. You can substitute another weight if you like, and you will need an interval timer. More on gymboss, and links to online interval timers here. Check out sandbags and my favorite home gym equipment here.
Ready? Let’s go workout!
Empowered Sandbag Workout
This workout has 3 parts.
Parts 1 and 3
2 minute amrap: Do as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes of:
3 Sandbag Rows, Clean and Press Over to 3 Squats
Part 2 – 8 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following 6 exercises twice:
One Leg Sandbag High Pull – left
One Leg Sandbag High Pull – right
Sandbag Hold Core Heel Scrapers
One Leg Deadlift with Sandbag – left
One Leg Deadlift with Sandbag – right
Sandbag Hold Core Heel Scrapers
Empowered Sandbag Workout on video
My Reps
Parts 1 and 3 – I did 8 reps in the 2 minutes for each round.
Part 2
One Leg Sandbag High Pull – left – 9, 10
One Leg Sandbag High Pull – right – 10, 11
Sandbag Hold Core Heel Scrapers – 7, 9
One Leg Deadlift with Sandbag – left – 8, 10
One Leg Deadlift with Sandbag – right – 8, 10
Sandbag Hold Core Heel Scrapers – 8, 9
Exercise Descriptions
Stand with sandbag on ground in front of feet and lift one foot up off the ground. Bending at torso reach down and grab sandbag by its lateral handles, and pull up sandbag, bringing in high in front of you, to between collarbone and head area. While lifting sandbag from ground lifted leg will go behind you but as you straighten and lift sandbag bring leg still lifted from ground in front and raise knee as sandbag is being pulled up. Reverse movements bringing sandbag back down to the ground. This is one rep, Continue with these movements for time, or reps, keeping foot off the ground and balancing on supporting leg throughout all movements. Repeat with the other leg for the same amount of time or reps.
Sandbag Hold Core Heel Scrapers
Lie flat on ground holding sandbag overhead with legs lifted off of floor, knees bent and legs in close to body with your arms lying straight at your side. Bring down legs so that feet are just a few inches off floor and push legs out straight as if sliding heels on ground but actually keeping them up a few inches off the ground throughout the movement. Sandbag is held steady overhead throughout all movements, so that core and abs do most of the work.. When legs are outstretched, reverse movements and bring them back in close to body as in your starting position. This is one rep.
Stand straight and hold sandbag at arm’s length, around thigh level, bring one leg off ground with knee slightly bent and bend torso at waist, pivoting body forward and bringing down sandbag in front to ground and lifting raised leg out straight behind you, keeping balance on one leg and then come back to start position. This is one rep.
Sandbag Hold Oblique Core Heel Scrapers
Lie flat on ground holding sandbag overhead with legs lifted off of floor, knees bent and legs in close to body with your arms lying straight at your side. Bring down legs so that feet are just a few inches off floor and turning legs at an angle toward one side, push legs out straight as if sliding the side of heels on ground but actually keeping them up a few inches off the ground throughout the movement. Sandbag is held steady overhead throughout all movements, so that core and abs do most of the work. When legs are outstretched, reverse movements and bring them back in close to body as in your starting position. This is one rep. For the next rep turn legs to the opposite direction and bring out legs with the other side of the heels toward, but just above the ground and alternate sides for each rep.