Why I am Switching to Drinking Lemon Water

Do you ever come across some great idea that you know would be good for you, but struggle to incorporate it into your daily routine? A big one for me is drinking lemon water in the morning. I KNOW it is so beneficial, and I just learned more fascinating reasons why (see below), but for some reason I keep avoiding this. However, I have an action plan now, and hope you will join me!
Lemons have Vitamin C and lots of feel-good B vitamins. They also have loads of minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. But on top of the nutrition drinking lemon water has amazing benefits for the body!
Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in the morning
- Great for detox. Lemon juice loosens toxins in the digestive track, stimulates the liver and helps flush toxins out of the body.
- It enhances enzyme function and gives a natural energy boost.
- Helps symptoms of indigestion such as bloating and heartburn.
- Helps prevent constipation. It makes elimination of waste products from the body easier.
- Great for the skin. The antioxidants helps to decrease blemishes and wrinkles too.
- Nourishes the brain and eyes too. It helps fight against eye problems.
- Creates a more alkaline environment and decreases acidity in the body. Diseases thrive in an acid environment and have a hard time taking hold in an alkaline one.
- Lowers inflammation in the body.
- Boosts the immune system.
- Helps fight viral infections.
- Removes uric acid in the joints, making you more flexible and mobile.
- Weight loss. Suppresses your appetite and helps eliminate sugar cravings.
- Reduces anxiety and depression. Even the scent of lemons has a calming effect on the nervous system.
Great Tip!
Squeeze lemons and freeze the juice in ice cube trays. Then store cubes in freezer so you always have fresh lemon juice available.
In the evening pop a lemon juice cube into a glass of water, and put it on your night table just before going to bed. In the morning you have a glass of lemon water sitting and waiting for you.
Lemon juice is hard on the enamel of your teeth. So drink first and then brush your teeth shortly after, or rinse your mouth with plain water.
Morning Routine Challenge for Drinking Lemon Water
I am going to be drinking lemon water every morning this week (and hopefully for thereon after) and would LOVE for you to join me.
The plan is to drink 16 ounces of water with the juice of half a lemon added. Drink this first thing in the morning then wait 15 to 20 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
Let me know if you are joining me too!
What’s your Missing Element?
What would you like to add into your day to create a more healthy lifestyle for you? What is one thing that you would like to change in the morning, or any time of the day.
Let me know in the comments below. It’s always easier to change a habit, or add a new one, when you write it or state it out loud.
To your fantastic health!
With Love and Lemonade,