Down to the Crunch Ab Workout est 22 min

This ab workout has an interesting plank sequence, described below, which is followed by a round of crunches. It is made up of 30 reps each of 6 different crunches and ab exercises and then you will do both parts all over again. This combination of different ab exercises will work different muscles including the obliques to help strengthen your core and build your abs. Let’s work on our six packs together! This is a great workout to get that happening!
For the first plank sequence you will alternate doing Side Plank Dips and Plank Jacks doing one rep of each and then adding one more rep each time you do them until you get to 10. For the first dip you will start on the right side, then turn over to plank for the plank jack and then turn over to the left side for the 2 dips and continue alternating sides for each side plank dip.
So it’s 1 side plank dip (r), 1 plank jack, 2 side plank dips (l), 2 plank jacks, 3 side plank dips (r), 3 plank jacks, 4 side plank dips (l), 4 plank jacks.. and so on up until you have completed 10 reps of each.
Down to the Crunch Ab Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do these 2 parts each 2 times
Part 1
Do 1 rep to 10 reps each of
Side Plank Dips and Plank Jacks
Part 2
30 Double Crunches
30 Alt Reach Up and Toe Touch Sit Ups
30 Side Lunges – left
30 Side Lunges – right
30 Knee to Elbow Crunches
30 One Leg Toe Touches
This workout is not a time challenge but I timed it to see how long it took me.
Part 1 took 3 min and 4 sec the first time and 2 min and 50 sec the second time.
Part 2 took me 8 min and 20 sec the first time and 7 min and 45 sec the second.
So workout total time is almost exactly 22 minutes.
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Get into side plank position with foot of top leg just in front of foot of bottom leg and supporting torso up with your straight arm below you, then bend the elbow of your top arm and place hand behind head, drop hip down so that it touches the ground and bring it back up so that your body is in a straight line again. This is one rep.
From plank position jump feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center. Each time you come back to center is one rep.
Laying on ground, bring both knees and chest up to center then release and extend body, with torso and legs both extended but still off ground, arms are held outstretched along sides of body parallel to ground and stay in this position throughout movement. Repeat bringing both knees and upper body in and extending both back out.
Alternating Reach Up and Toe Touch Sit Ups
Lie on ground with legs straight and wide apart and sit up while raising one hand up towards the ceiling and then reach over with that hand and touch your toes of the opposite side foot, or as close as you can reach towards them. Then lay back down bringing hands back to ground by or above your head and repeat on the other side, sit up and reach your other arm up and then reach over and touch the opposite side toe with fingers and release coming back to start position. Continue with these sit ups alternating reaching up and touching toes, on different sides for each rep.
Lie halfway between being on your back and on your side, use the forearm of your bottom arm for support, bend your top arm so your hand is behind your head and have your knees slightly bent. Crunch lifting your torso up and bringing your knees up so that your elbow and knees come close together, go back to start position and repeat.
Lay back on mat with knees bent and hands behind head, bring torso up towards knees and twist body to one side bringing one elbow to opposite knee, release and go back to start position, then repeat movements on other side bringing the opposite elbow to its opposite side knee. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, lift one leg and both arms simultaneously, touch toe and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep.