My Favorite Raw Vegan Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe

This cheesecake recipe totally rocks. First and most importantly, it is delicious. In fact of the hundreds of people I have served this to, from in a restaurant to family and friends at home, almost every one agrees that this tastes as good as, and even better than, the traditional dairy-based cheesecake. On top of that this is healthy! Go figure. Raw desserts are made of more healthy ingredients and are prepared in a way that preserves their enzymes. These enzymes are what our body needs and utilizes for every single process that goes on in it and for every movement we make. Enzymes are like the energy, the life force that makes you go. And desserts are where raw food really shine. Everyone loves raw desserts and this classic one is a real winner.
This cheesecake recipe is a very versatile one and a great basic one in raw foods cuisine, or if you are getting into any type of healthy cooking, to master. It is super easy to make which is great but the really wonderful thing about this recipe is how versatile it is. This cheesecake recipe is a plain basic cheesecake that can be flavored or topped with a variety of different sauces to make different types of cheesecake. I am showing it with a strawberry sauce topping but you can easily make the sauce blueberry, cherry, mango or use whatever is your favorite fruit. A chocolate, caramel or sweet espresso sauce topping are all wonderful options for sauces to drizzle on top of this too, and in addition the base itself can be flavored. Add some lemon zest to the cashew cheese base or other fruit or flavorings. Try it with a pecan raisin crust or a macaroon crust. The options are virtually endless.
But as many versions as there are of this, many people prefer it plain, just like this.
Raw Cheesecake Recipe
1 recipe Date and Nut Crust
1 recipe Strawberry Sauce or favorite topping
Cheesecake base:
3 cup Cashews – soaked and drained
¼ cup Lemon juice
¾ cup Agave
¾ cup Coconut oil
1 tsp Vanilla
½ tsp Salt
First prepare crust by processing ingredients together in the food processor. Stop processing when ingredients are just well combined and in small pieces but be careful not to over process. Press the crust into a spring form pan.
Soaking cashews: Soak the cashews before processing at at least one hour, and up to 4 hours, before processing. If you want to make the cheesecake later than that, drain the cashews and set the drained cashews in a bowl in the fridge. They can stay in the fridge up to 24 hours before being used.
Next make the cheesecake base. Process all ingredients together until smooth and creamy. Pour into spring form pan and smooth top until even. Refrigerate to set for at least an hour before serving, several hours is best.
While the cake is setting, make the strawberry sauce recipe below).
The cheesecake will keep for a week refrigerated. Store as air-tight as possible. The strawberry sauce will also keep for a week in the fridge.
Strawberry Sauce Recipe
1 cup Raspberries – fresh or dethawed if from frozen
¼ cup Agave
½ tsp Psyllium
1 tsp Lemon juice
Blend the sauce ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Transfer to another container and refrigerate for an hour to let set. Sauce will keep for at least one week in the fridge.
Post with recipe and video showing how to make the Date and Nut Crust is here.
How to make the Cheesecake on video
How to make the Strawberry Sauce on video
Plating the Cheesecake video