Decadent Raw Brownies and Creamy Chocolate Icing

These brownies are not cooked. They are very easy to make and made with only a few ingredients. They are abundantly healthful and most importantly they are a decadent rich and very delicious brownie. I have had many people tell me they didn’t realize until I told them they were raw that they were not a cooked brownie. They seem like one of those dense flour-less, or cooked low flour versions. Brownies are one of my favorite desserts and I think that these brownies measure up to even the best of any I’ve tasted.
On top of this lusciousness I decided to really get decadent and added a creamy chocolate frosting. The frosting is also a simple mixture of just a few ingredients. The ingredients again are abundantly healthful.
My Superfood Supplement Strategy
I will often mix up a bit of this chocolate icing in the morning to mix my favorite superfood supplements into. It hides the taste of them and it is just like eating a little bowl of icing, which it essentially is – only super healthy icing! The icing will hide the taste of a great variety of natural whole food supplements that I like to get in my diet. I go through phases with these and only take some of them, some of the time. I choose a couple that have properties that I am resonating with or feel like I need, and will take them. Also I go through phases of making icing to do this with also. I will do it for a few weeks or a month and go off for a period. But if I want to take a few different ones this is one of my favorite ways to do it.
Some of my favorite supplements to add to my little bowl of chocolate icing are: maca, spirulina, E3Live, a blend of 8 medicinal mushrooms (sometimes I will take reishi or cordycepts separately, or all 8 together the blend is those and maitake, tremella, turkey tail. shitake, lion’s mane and agaricus). Other add ins include: bilberry, grapeseed, gotu kola, ginko biloba, camu camu, moringa, fo ti, macuna and other herbs and superfoods.
Know your herbs before taking them. Make sure to research any herbs before taking them. Herbs can be very powerful. Remember medicines are made mostly of plants. These are a pure source of what many medicines are derived from. Almost every supplement that I would take is actually a whole food that is ground up. I like and trust whole foods and I like with this way of taking them that your body has access to the superfoods right away without having to dissolve the little capsules. If the herb or superfood comes in capsules often I will open them up and empty them in the bowl and just mix with the icing. I rarely even notice the taste.
And now back to the brownies!
Raw Brownies
2 cups Walnuts
2 cups Dates
1 cup Cacao (raw Chocolate) powder
1 tsp Vanilla
½ tsp Cinnamon
optional: ½ cup Walnuts – chopped to mix in with the brownie dough, if you like walnut pieces in yours
Blend in food processor then spread into pan, which has been lightly oiled with coconut oil. Top with Creamy Chocolate Icing, if desired. Cut into squares, remove from pan and serve.
Creamy Chocolate Icing
½ c Cacao (raw Chocolate) Powder
¼ c Honey or Agave
¼ c Almond Butter
¼ t Vanilla
Mix honey, almond butter and vanilla together in a bowl. Slowly mix in the chocolate powder until it forms a creamy smooth icing.
How to Make Raw Brownies on Video
How to Make Creamy Chocolate Icing on Video
Photo Description
Assemble ingredients for brownies. I had ground walnuts and used this for base, often I have walnut pieces or halves. They all work equally well.
Set aside a half cup of chopped walnuts and put all the rest of the ingredients in the processor.
Stop the processor when it just starts to clump together. This is the right texture you want below.
Transfer the brownie dough to a bowl and add the chopped walnuts and mix in.
Transfer dough to a pan and press down. I used this spatula, which worked great to flatten them out. I used this spatula also to go around the edges to loosen brownies from walls of pan, just in case, and then flipped brownies over onto a plate.
Assemble ingredients for the creamy chocolate icing.
I substituted a hazelnut, cashew, walnut tahini spread for the almond butter because I was out of almond butter and this is what I had. It was an experiment and was delicious but was not as smooth. It tasted great and the texture was fine for eating but not quite as pretty for pictures.
Mix the icing ingredients up in a bowl and then spread on the brownies.
Slice and serve. I like mine with cacao nibs sprinkled on top! Mmm, my favorite dessert!