Crossing the Ugi Bridge Workout 21 min

This Ugi workout is 21 minutes of interval training with lots of new and favorite Ugi exercises and featuring the bridge exercise with 3 variations of it. This is a great workout to really work your hamstrings and upper legs as well as your abs and core stabilizing muscles. Its a great flow and Ugi makes workouts fun. 21 minutes is longer than most of my workouts, but Ugi makes the time goes by fast and it feels easier somehow but I know it’s effective as I can feel it this morning, the day after!
To get your own Ugi, please click the link on my Resource Page.
If you do not have an Ugi, here are some modifications:
For woodchops use another weighted ball or object, such as dumbbells.
For the bridge exercises, lift feet up onto a step or other raised object, or just do them from the ground.
I would do the lunges as regular forward lunges and side lunges.
For twist tucks you could do plank knee tucks and for plank to pike, just hold plank.
Finally for the last exercise do it the same without Ugi, just do elbow to knee crunches.
So, with or without Ugi, let’s cross this bridge and do this workout!
Crossing the Ugi Bridge Workout
Workout Breakdown
21 Minutes of Interval Training
Set your timer for 28 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following sequence of exercises twice.
Ugi Diagonal Woodchops – left
Ugi Diagonal Woodchops – right
Ugi One Leg Bridge – left
Ugi One Leg Bridge – right
Lunge on Ugi – left
Lunge on Ugi – right
Side Lunge on Ugi – left
Side Lunge on Ugi – right
Ugi Bridge with Hand to Hand Dumbbell Pass
Ugi Woodchop Squats
Ugi Twist Tucks
Plank to Pike on Ugi
Ugi Bridge
Elbow to Ugi Crunch
Workout on Video
My Reps
Ugi Diagonal Woodchops – left – 15, 13
Ugi Diagonal Woodchops – right – 13, 14
Ugi One Leg Bridge – left – 13, 12
Ugi One Leg Bridge – right – 13, 14
Lunge on Ugi – left – 12, 12
Lunge on Ugi – right – 12, 11
Side Lunge on Ugi – left – 12, 13
Side Lunge on Ugi – right – 12, 13
Ugi Bridge with Hand to Hand Dumbbell Pass – 12, 12
Ugi Woodchop Squats – 12, 13
Ugi Twist Tucks – 18, 20
Plank to Pike on Ugi
Ugi Bridge – 15, 16
Elbow to Ugi Crunch – 20, 22
Exercise Descriptions
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and hold Ugi up above one shoulder, swing Ugi down to opposite side of the body below hip area, bring back up and repeat.
Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi. Then lift one leg up so that foot it pointed towards ceiling and leg is straight and then lift hips up into bridge position and then lower hips to ground and repeat lifting hips up to bridge and lowering with one foot up on Ugi and the other leg lifted up.
Start with a wide walking position, place front leg on Ugi, and lunge forward bending front knee and then then straightening it coming out of lunge. Keep feet in the same position throughout all movements and continue to lunge in and out on the front leg.
Place Ugi a few feet away from you to the side and then place the foot closest to Ugi on it and do a side lunge, so that your supporting leg bends and the leg with foot on Ugi is kept straight. Do a side lunge in this position and then come up. Keep feet in the same position throughout all movements lunge in and out on the front leg.
Ugi Bridge with Hand to Hand Dumbbell Pass
Get into bridge position with feet raised on Ugi. Hold this position raising hips as much as possible. Meanwhile, have arms extended out to each side with a dumbbell in one hand, bring both arms up to center, keeping them outstretched and switch hand with dumbbell to opposite hand and lower both arms back to ground. Continue raising arms and switching dumbbell for each rep while holding hips up in bridge position.
Do a woodchop bringing Ugi high overhead to one side and when you bring it down squat down and twist bringing it low, close to ground between feet, alternate sides
Start in plank with hands on Ugi, bring one knee up and twist body bringing the hip on same side as that knee close to or touching the ball, return to plank and repeat on other side, continue alternating sides. For bodyweight version, start in plank and do knee to opposite elbow knee tucks, alternating sides.
Get into plank position with feet on Ugi, hold for a few seconds, then roll ball in a bit so feet come forward n it and lift up hips to bring yourself to pike position. Again hold a few seconds and roll back out so you are in plank and repeat these movements balancing on Ugi and alternating positions.
Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi. Then lift hips up into bridge position and then lower hips to ground and repeat lifting hips up to bridge and lowering.
Lying on ground with knees bent and holding Ugi between knees, place hands behind head and come up crunching abs and twist torso to bring one elbow to Ugi, release and go back to ground and then come up for next rep and twist torso in the opposite direction and bring other elbow up to Ugi. Release and continue with crunches alternating sides for each rep.