Crispy Living Nuts and Seeds Recipe and Trail Mix

The Crispy Living Nuts and Seeds recipes will show you how to make a healthy version of dried nuts and seeds. It will show how to season them yourself and dry them at lower temperatures to retain all of the enzymes, vital nutrients and life force in the nuts in seeds. These are delicious to eat straight from the dehydrator (or oven) or can be mixed with raisins, goji berries and your favorite ingredients to make your own delicious and super healthy trail mix.
Raw foodists always soak their nuts and seeds first before eating for a reason, to get the most nutrition out of them. Soaking the seed wakes it up from its dormant state and makes it a living food. Of additional benefit to getting the most life force and nutrients from them, they are also considered pre-digested when they are pre-soaked as they are already starting to begin breaking down on their own with the carbohydrates breaking down to simple sugars, proteins into their amino acids and complex fats into their fatty acids.
Read more on the benefits of soaking nuts and seeds here.
This is one recipe that I like to use salt in. make sure to use a healthy salt as there is a big difference nutritionally between a natural salt and white bleached salts. And don’t be fooled by the name sea salt at the health food store, most of it is bleached also and has no nutritional value left. Go for Himalayan or Celtic sea salt which is mostly still sold in it’s natural state with over 80 minerals and a much lower sodium level.
Read more on Himalayan salt here.
You can choose to make either Crispy Living Nuts or Crispy Living Seeds or add both nuts and seeds to the recipe and make them together.
Crispy Living Nuts
½ cup Almonds – soaked (4 hrs), drained and patted dry
½ cup, Walnuts – soaked (2-4 hrs), drained and patted dry
½ cup Brazil nuts – soaked (2-4 hrs), drained and patted dry
½ cup Cashews
1 ½ Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Tamari or Nama Shoyu
¾ tsp Salt
¼ tsp Onion powder
¼ tsp Garlic powder
¼ tsp Chili powder
¼ tsp Cayenne
Note: you can experiment with different spices or spice blends, try: Curry and Cumin or Cajun or combinations of other favorite spices.
Mix the oil, tamari and spices together in a bowl. Add nuts and/or seeds to the bowl and mix well. Spread the seasoned nuts and/or seeds out onto teflex sheets and dehydrate for 6 hours. Then flip them onto mesh screens and continue dehydrating until dry and crisp. The time for this is very variable depending on how wet the nuts and seeds are that you start out with. It could take another 6 hours or up to another 24 hours if they were very wet when you started.
If you do not have a dehydrator you can make them in your oven at the lowest setting. Place nuts and/or seeds on a baking tray and watch carefully. I would recommend checking them at half hour intervals and I do not have times for this as I always use my dehydrator. Stir them around regularly so they get flipped and air gets at them to help them dry evenly. Experiment and if you try this please let me know how it goes.
Crispy Living Seeds Recipe
1 cup Pumpkin Seeds – soaked (2-4 hrs), drained and patted dry
1 cup Sunflower Seeds – soaked (2-4 hrs), drained and patted dry
1 ½ Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Tamari or Nama Shoyu
¾ tsp Salt
¼ tsp Onion powder
¼ tsp Garlic powder
¼ tsp Chili powder
¼ tsp Cayenne
Note: you can experiment with different spices or spice blends, try: Curry and Cumin or Cajun or combinations of other favorite spices.
Mix the oil, tamari and spices together in a bowl. Add nuts and/or seeds to the bowl and mix well. Spread the seasoned nuts and/or seeds out onto teflex sheets and dehydrate for 6 hours. Then flip them onto mesh screens and continue dehydrating until dry and crisp. The time for this is very variable depending on how wet the nuts and seeds are that you start out with. It could take another 6 hours or up to another 24 hours if they were very wet when you started.
Recipe on Video
High Vibe Energetic Trail Mix Recipe
1 cup Crispy Living Nuts
1 cup Crispy Living Seeds
½ cup Golden Raisins
½ cup Goji Berries
½ cup Cacao Nibs
Optional ingredients to add or substitute: Granola, dried Coconut flakes, dried Cranberries, dried Cherries, dried Blueberries, Banana chips, dried Apple pieces, dried Pineapple, dried Mango pieces, Carob chips or Dark Chocolate chips
Place all ingredients together in a bag and shake together to mix.