Creating Aphrodite Ugi Workout 15 min

This Ugi workout has 4 new Ugi exercise, or at least new Ugi exercise variations. I love to change up the exercises in my workouts and do things differently. I find it keeps the mind active by thinking about the movements you are making. It lessens the focus on the work, making it ore like play and more fun.
There is another great reason to change it up lots as well and that is that your body doesn’t get used to the movements and plateau. As you use different muscles and use your muscles in different ways they keep getting stronger, especially the core stabilizing muscles. Keeping your core muscles strong does a lot more than keep you lean and make you look great. It helps you to avoid injury from any daily movements outside of the workout, and protects and lessens injury from any fall or mishaps that may happen. It keeps the muscles that attach to your major muscles strong as well, creating a deeper more practical strength that is very important to have, especially as we get older.
Play really is good for you. It keeps your mind and body strong! So, let’s play!
You will need an interval timer for this workout. Read more about Gymboss, and inks to online timers can be found here.
You can use another weight or medicine ball for most of the exercises if you do not have an Ugi. Ugi’s are really fun and give a great workout. Their unique shape, weight, cushioning provides a new way to workout and is wonderful for many important balancing movements. If you would like one to Ugi with me, you can order one from my Resource page.
Now, let’s workout!
Creating Aphrodite Ugi Workout
Workout Breakdown
15 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 20 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 secs work and go through the following exercises 5 times:
Woodchop and Get Up with Ugi
Ugi Russian Twist and Toe Touch
Ugi Overhead Swing to Jump Squat
Ugi Bridge Crunch
Ugi Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Standing at the end of a mat with Ugi on the ground just to the outside of one foot, do an upward woodchop motion, bringing Ugi diagonally across body and reaching it up high towards the ceiling on the other side and then bring it down to navel area, and lie down on mat. Touch Ugi to ground above your head and then get up and as you come up onto your feet, jump up lifting Ugi high overhead. This is one rep. For the next rep place Ugi on the ground on the outer side of your foot on the opposite side from where it started and continue doing these movements from this side. Alternate sides doing the woodchop for each rep.
Ugi Russian Twist and Toe Touch
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and then lie back with legs straight on ground and touch Ugi to the ground behind head, then sit up and bring Ugi overhead and forward to touch toes. This is one rep. For the next rep repeat these movements but start with Ugi at the opposite side for the Russian twist and alternate starting sides for each rep.
Ugi Overhead Swing to Jump Squat
Start standing with feet shoulder width apart and Ugi on ground just between to the front of feet. Reach down, grab Ugi and swing the ball up overhead and then bring it back to ground. Jump over Ugi so you are just in front of it and come down in a squat, so bum touches Ugi, then come up and jump back so you are just behind Ugi in your start position. This is one rep. Continue repeating these movements.
Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi and arms straight on ground behind head. Lift hips up into bridge position and then lower hips to ground, as you lower hips crunch torso forward bringing arms up overhead and down to touch Ugi between legs and then bring arms back to ground behind you. This is one rep.