Cream of Broccoli Soup – Vegan Style

We are back into routine after our vacations and Mom and I are back to our Friday soup making. Yesterday we created a cream of broccoli soup recipe that has no real cream but instead uses coconut milk to get it’s smooth texture. Friday is a great day for us to clean out the fridge as we restock from the farmers market on Saturday mornings, actually we drive to a 2nd market also, and that one mainly to get our sprouts. We take sprouts and the farmers market’s pretty seriously ; ) That’s where to find the best local produce, straight from the farmers. love it!
So yesterday we had an abundance of broccoli left over and this is how we took care of that!
Cream of Broccoli Soup
1½ – 2 heads Broccoli (or one very large head) – Chop up upper part of stalk, or about halfway. The lower part gets too tough.
2 small – med Onions (or 1 large) – chopped
2 Celery Stalks – chopped
½ can Coconut Milk
1 Tbsp Onion powder
2 Bay leaves
handful of chives (2-3 Tbsp)
1 large Sage leaf (1 tsp)
needles of one sprig Rosemary (1 tsp)
sprig Thyme (1 tsp)
Salt and Pepper to taste
*note about the herbs – I used fresh herbs from our garden.. but you can substitute with dried, whichever is more handy or preferable. I chopped all of the herbs quite finely except the Bay leaves and Thyme. For thoe I just put the whole leaf/sprig in the pot and took them out before serving.
Put chopped onion and celery in a pot of water, covering them by an inch or 2 and bring to a boil. After they boil for a few minutes add the chopped broccoli stalk. While it continues to boil, chop up the broccoli florets into smaller pieces with a food processor or knife. Set aside. When the onion and celery is cooked and soft, transfer the water and veg from the pot to a blender and blend well. Pour blended veg back into pot and add chopped broccoli florets with herbs and half a can of coconut milk. Let all the ingredients lightly boil and then simmer together until cooked and ready. It does not take long to cook, should be less than an hour. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Vegetables for soup above and onions, celery and broccoli stalks cooking below.
Processing broccoli florets
Blended vegetables with chopped broccoli florets added
Coconut milk and herbs
Bowl full of Cream of Broccoli Soup!