Crazy Quick Crossover Ab Workout 12 min

This ab workout is 12 minutes of fast paced HIIT training. Go through rounds of 4 all new cardio infused dynamic exercise combos. They are fun and challenging. Work on your balance and build core strength with fun new burpees exercises. Work on your co-ordination, balance and speed as you build muscle, boost your metabolism as well as cardio endurance. Great! Get your interval timers out and ready and let’s go!
Crazy Quick Crossover Ab Workout
Workout Breakdown
12 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 50 seconds work and go through the following sequence:
2 Dip Side Burpees, without Push Up
Hop Over One Leg Reptile Push Up Burpees
Alternating Sit Up and Leg Lift Toe Touches
3 Plank Jacks to 3 Tuck Jumps
To get your interval timer or see my favorite home gym equipment, check out my Resource page.
Crossover Ab Workout on Video
My Reps
2 Dip Side Burpees, without Push Up – 6, 6, 6
Hop Over One Leg Reptile Push Up Burpees – 7, 7, 6
Alternating Sit Up and Leg Lift Toe Touches – 6, 5.5, 6
3 Plank Jacks to 3 Tuck Jumps – 6, 6, 6
Exercise Descriptions
2 Dip Side Burpees, without Push Up
Squat down and put hands together on ground in diamond position a little off to one side, then jump both legs out sideways in the other direction, go into side plank and put top hand behind head and then do 2 dips, bringing hips down towards ground and back up twice, bring hand back down to ground and jump your legs back in and jump up. This is one rep. For the next rep jump out to the other side and do dips on opposite side. Alternate sides for each rep.
Hop Over One Leg Reptile Push Up Burpees
Standing with feet hip width apart, lift one foot off ground, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump your one standing leg back into plank position, keeping other leg off the ground do a reptile push up. That is, as you start to lower to do push up one leg is brought out and up to side, bending knee and bringing it toward elbow with leg held up off the ground, as you come up from push up, bring leg back but not touching ground and jump the one supporting leg back in. Then jump to the side in the direction of the lifted leg, landing on the leg that had been off the ground. This time raise the leg on the other side and repeat movements with the other leg raised. After this burpee, jump back to start position and continue doing burpees in this manner, alternating sides for each rep
Alternating Sit Up and Leg Lift Toe Touches
Lie on ground with legs straight and wide apart and sit up while raising one hand up towards the ceiling and then reach over with that hand and touch your toes of the opposite side foot, or as close as you can reach towards them. Then lay back down bringing hands back to ground by or above your head and repeat on the other side, sit up and reach your other arm up and then reach over and touch the opposite side toe with fingers and release coming back to start position. Continue with these sit ups alternating reaching up and touching toes, on different sides for each rep.
Start at standing and bend down placing hands on ground and jump or step legs back to plank and do 3 plank jacks, then jump in legs and come up and do 3 tuck jumps, by jumping up as high as you can, bringing knees up to your chest and touching tucked knees at highest point of jump 3 times. This is one rep