Crab Sandwich Workout 10 min, Burpee Challenge and Personal Stuff


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This week, starting tomorrow I am doing a burpee challenge, just a little burpee challenge of 50 burpees every day for the next week starting Monday. I’d love you to join me!! I am going to post some of my workouts too of course! Burpees are tough, but they are one of the quickest ways I have seen to get your body lean, tight, toned and yes, even build muscle. Burpees are about as miraculous as raw food and subliminals! 

Personal stuff

I need my butt kicked. Yes, it’s true. I have been slacking off and need to get into my daily hardcore burpee ways! It’s easy to slack off sometimes in life. I took the summer off primarily to spend time with my niece. What I didn’t realize is that maybe I was feeling a bit burnt out and needed some down time. Life at different stages can be tough. To be honest, as much as I love my mom (immensely) care giving can be tough. I feel like I have lived life fully and I’ve gone through lots of tough phases. I’ve raised 3 kids close in age, gone through babies and teenage years, I’ve separated from an almost 20 year marriage and I was with my sister in law as she passed away from cancer. Lost quite a few family members from cancer actually. Life can be tough, and sometimes workouts are going to wane some due to life. That’s life.

But the truth is, that if you get up the incentive and energy to do the workout, you are going to feel a whole lot better after and life is going to be a lot easier to deal with. You will feel more energized, clear, focused and optimistic!  I know this and am ready to jump up and get back in the ring and I’m hoping you are going to jump in with me!!


The Burpee Challenge

This week, Monday to Saturday, for the next 6 days do 50 burpees every day.

That’s it. Piece of cake! If you can do 100, Awesome! Go for it. Or if you want to make it less, Great. You set what amount works for you. Choose how many a day that will push you, yet be attainable to do. Make the challenge work for you!


New Workout Format

Why? I’m changing my workout format for a number of reasons. Basically it is to make life easier on myself. I love creating and sharing workouts, so I am going to continue to do that. I miss working out on my own, without a camera and with music. I think and hope that I can describe the exercise moves in words and pictures. Also, I feel like I have filmed enough exercise videos to help describe them as well.

I hope these can inspire as well! I’m looking forward to expressing myself in a new creative way.

Here is the new workout, with 10 intense minutes of dynamic action!


Workout 1 - Crab Sandwich


Crab Sandwich Workout

Workout Breakdown

Part 1 – Amrap
Do as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes:
Crab Toe Touch x 4 and roll over

Part 2 – Amrap
Do as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes:
5 Plank Jack Burpees

Part 3 – Amrap
Amrap – Do as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes:
Mountain Climbers x 20 and roll over

Part 4 – Amrap
Do as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes:
5 Plank Jack Burpees

Part 5 – Amrap
Do as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes:
Crab Toe Touch x 4 and roll over


Exercise Descriptions

Crab Toe Touch x 4 and roll over


Starting at one end of a mat, get into crab position with hands on mat. Do 4 crab toe touches, then lie down, roll 360 degrees. Get back into crab position at the other end of mat. Do 4 more toe touches, then roll back and continue in this manner.

Crab Toe Touch – Start in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, Continue alternating sides for each rep.

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5 Plank Jack Burpees


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 5 plank jacks by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center. Each time your feet come back to center is one rep, so do this 5 times and then jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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Mountain Climbers x 20 and roll over


Starting at one end of a mat, get into mountian climber position with hands on mat. Do 20 mountain climbers, then lie down, roll 360 degrees. Get back into climber position at the other end of mat. Do 20 more mountain climbers, then roll back and continue in this manner.

Mountain Climbers – Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground; this is your start position. Simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible while performing these movements. Each time a leg jumps forward counts as one rep.

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Have a great workout!


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