Cosmic Variance Full Body Workout 15 min

This 15 minute full body workout is made up of intervals with 6 fun and dynamic exercises, which you do 3 times for each. It’s quick and active so put your most into it and you will reap the rewards. These short workouts are super effective! This workout really sneaks in some great core strength building exercises: superman exercises and tuck jumps are a couple great exercises to build abs! ..and I followed this with another 200 reps of ab exercises, which I will also post below.
Cosmic Variance Full Body Workout
Workout Breakdown
15 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through these 6 exercises 3 times:
180 Degree Burpees
Roll Back and Up to Standing with Tuck Jumps
One Arm Lift, alternate arms
Superman Push Ups
Speed Skater Squats
Tricep Leg Raise
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on the ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then jump legs back in and jump up turning 180 degrees. Now from this position, facing the opposite direction, do another burpee in the same manner. Continue jumping 180 degrees for the end jump of each burpee and alternating directions for each rep.
Roll Back and Up to Standing with Tuck Jumps
Standing at one end of mat, roll back so knees are overhead and then forward again and roll right back up to standing, then jump up as high as you can, bringing your knees up to your chest and touch tucked knees at highest point of jump.
Lie flat on ground with legs apart, put one hand on ground close to shoulder area and place the other on your butt. Press with arm of the hand on ground to lift upper body and then hips high up. Reverse movement to come back down to start position. Alternate arm positions for each rep.
Get into push up position and do a push up, then extend one arm straight out in front of you fingers reaching to wall you are facing while at the same time lifting and extending opposite side leg out straight behind. Hold this position for a second or two and then release coming back into start position. Do another push up and this time extend your other arm and its opposite side leg, so that arm and leg are both held out in a straight line, hold and release. Continue alternating doing push ups and holding plank on one arm and leg, switching sides for each rep.
From standing with feet shoulder width apart, squat down and then come up halfway and raise one leg, keeping it straight, out to the side, then bring leg back to start position. Do another squat followed with the opposite leg lift to the other side. Continue alternating side that do the leg lift for each rep, keeping low throughout all movements.
Lay face down on mat or ground with legs hip width apart and hands on ground at shoulder level close to body, lift body up a few inches off ground, keeping low, and using mainly triceps to lift with. While holding this position, alternate lifting legs up off ground as high as you can. Each leg lift is one rep.
Ab Extra Workout
200 Reps of Ab Exercises
Do this sequence 2 times:
20 Competition Sit Ups
20 Russian Twists
20 Knee to Elbow Crunches
20 One Leg Toe Touch
20 Alternating Reach Up and Toe touch Sit Ups – as seen in the Down to the Crunch Ab Workout
The above exercises, along with many more, can be found here with descriptions and links to videos: List of Exercises