Cosmic Ugi Ab Workout 15 min

This new Ugi ab workout is an HIIT workout make up of intervals and full of new exercises. 4 Ugi exercises, which are full body core exercises, get alternated with a new weighted crunch exercise. I used dumbbells but you can use whatever weight you have available, dumbbells, balls, water bottles; they will all work. This workout focuses on working abs and core, but there is a lot of action and movement to make it a great full body workout.
I loved the flow of the workout and it is tough but fun. Ugi workouts always cheer me up, even more than the endorphin kick that you always get with a good workout. I feel happy even before doing it, just going into the workout. How does Ugi do that? Yet I feel it the next day so I can tell it works and was effective. Ugi is awesome.
Get Ugi here, and check out my favorite home gym equipment on my Resource page.
Modifications are given below the breakdown to do this without an Ugi.
Cosmic Ugi Ab Workout
Workout Breakdown
15 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through these 6 exercises 3 times:
Ugi Sit Up Jump Ups
Ugi Plank Toe Tap
Weighted One Arm Push Through Crunches, alt sides
Ugi Sit Up to Butt Lift
Ugi Push Up Leg Lift
Weighted One Arm Push Through Crunches, alt sides
If you don’t have an Ugi
You can still join in. These exercises are easy to modify.
Use any weighted object or just use bodyweight to do the Sit Up exercises (1st and 4th).
Use bodyweight to do the Plank exercise (2nd) and Push Up exercise (5th)
Ugi Ab Workout on Video
My Reps
Ugi Sit Up Jump Ups – 6, 6, 7
Ugi Plank Toe Tap – 15, 20, 23
Weighted One Arm Push Through Crunches, alt sides – 16, 14, 14
Ugi Sit Up to Butt Lift – 10, 10, 10
Ugi Push Up Leg Lift – 7, 7, 7
Weighted One Arm Push Through Crunches, alt sides – 15,14, 14
Exercise Descriptions
Lying on ground with knees bent, hold Ugi in your hands on the ground with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring Ugi overhead and touch down between legs, then reverse movements bringing upper body and Ugi back to ground behind head. Next bring Ugi forward again sitting up and this time as Ugi comes to ground between legs, come up onto the balls of your feet and power up jumping up and raising Ugi overhead. Reverse movements, coming back to sitting and lay back bringing Ugi back to ground behind head. This is one rep.
Get into plank position with feet on Ugi, take one foot off Ugi and touch floor beside it with foot, then put foot back up an Ugi and take the other foot off and touch floor beside Ugi on the other side and bring back up so both feet are again on Ugi. Repeat these movements alternating sides of touching the floor with foot while holding plank position. You will need to use your core stabilizing muscles to keep balance while doing this exercise.
Weighted One Arm Push Through Crunches
Laying on ground with knees bent and feet on the ground, have arms outstretched at sides and with a dumbbell in each hand, then crunch up torso and bring one hand with dumbbell through legs bringing dumbbell down toward ground, then reverse movement to start position. On the next crunch bring the opposite hand with dumbbell through legs and down towards ground and back. Continue with these movements alternating sides for each rep.
Lying on ground with knees bent, hold Ugi in your hands on the ground with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring Ugi overhead and touch down between legs, then reverse movements bringing upper body and Ugi back to ground behind head. Next lift legs straight up with feet towards ceiling and using ab and core muscles lift butt up off ground, then bring legs back down. This is one rep. It is easy with this exercise to use momentum to help you in the movements and while you will still be working many muscles, to work the ab muscles more, wait a second after Ugi is on ground to lift butt up.
Get into push up position with feet elevated on Ugi. Do a push ups from this position and then lift one leg, balancing with just one leg on Ugi, bring it back, then lift the other leg and bring it back. This is one rep. The challenge is mainly with balancing legs on Ugi, which is great for working the core stabilizing muscles.