Community Garden Project and a Healing Salve Recipe


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Mom and I have found a real treasure in our neighbourhood:  an amazing community garden project. And it’s just a few blocks away from us in Earlescourt park. We went there last week for the first time and really enjoyed being there. Also, halfway through our gardening time they held a demo on how to make this amazing healing salve recipe, and I will share how to easily make it yourself below.

Most days I have been going for a walk through different areas of our new neighbourhood. Often I end up going for a walk through this park.

Come join me for a walk around this awesome 36 acre park. . This photo is of the track, but it also has a large swimming pool, 4 tennis courts, a basketball court, a volleyball court, a soccer field, a ball diamond, a dog off leash area, a wading pool, kids playground and lots of walking paths. It’s wonderful to have this park so close.

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A few times I was surprised to see a festival being set up or going on.

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We walked through a few festivals here..

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Looking up.. gotta love a great tree!

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And there we found it. Hidden in the corner of the park.  A few people I know who frequent the park didn’t even know it was there. a hidden gem: the Earlscourt community garden.

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Come take a peek inside..

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On Mondays and Thursdays we get together and garden. There’s a to do list and you get to choose what jobs you want to do.

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Lots of various vegetable beds..

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Rain water is collected here and used to water the plants.

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Loads of beautiful produce.

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Halfway through our gardening time we stopped and gathered for a healing salve making session.

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We all got to make our own containers of salve (hand cream) to bring home.

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They had about 30 or more bottles of different essential oils for us to choose from. The olive oil they used had calendula petals steeping in it for several weeks. By leaving the petals infused in the oil the scent and the healing medicinal benefits of the calendula get infused into the oil.

Healing Properties of Calendula

Calendula is more commonly known as marigold. This plant has been used for centuries to heal rashes, skin irritations and wounds. It is anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. So it is great for disinfecting minor wounds, cuts and scrapes. It  is very gentle on the skin and is great for helping to heal bruises quickly. It soothes chapped skin and lips and helps heal burns, acne, diaper rashes, athlete’s foot and many other skin irritations. Calendula stimulates collagen in the skin to help prevent scarring. It is great to help get rid of stretch marks too.

Calendula (marigold) is a beneficial plant in the garden also as it repels many common garden pests that can eat your plants, including aphids, tomato hornworms, beetles and eelworms.

The bright flowers can be used in salads and also used to color sauces.

Below: the oils and beeswax are heated and mixed together.

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Healing Salve Recipe


3 heaping Tbsps grated Beeswax
1/4 cup of infused Olive oil
3 heaping Tablespoons Coconut oil
Essential oils


Warm oil in a double boiler. Add coconut oil, then beeswax to oil and melt.
To test is salve is ready put some on a spoon and place int he freezer for a few seconds. This will mimic the consistency the salve will have when it is hardened.
Pick essential oils and place a few drops in a small container. Then pour the heated oil and wax mixture to fill cotainer. Mix with a toothpick and let set.

Store salves in a cool dry place. They should last one year.


We made 3 containers. My first had Bergamot, Ylang Ylang and Tangerine essential ols. Mom’s had Lavender and Bergamot and my 3rd container had just Rose oil in it.

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Some of the garden produce we brought home: Callaloo, Kale, Beans, Parsley and Cabbage.

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Thanks for joining me in the garden! A great place to cultivate peace and glowing health.


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