Chocolate Protein Fudgesicle Recipe


posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

This recipe provides a delicious chocolatey way to have a high protein snack that’s also abundantly nutritious. Perfect on a hot sunny day!!

I didn’t have the ice pop trays, which I would have loved to make them in.. so I used an ice cube tray and it worked great. In fact, maybe better as they were smaller and so easy to eat less of to feel satisfied.. but they were a little messy on the fingertips. If you make them in ice cube trays you could put in toothpicks or popsicle sticks to make them a little less messy to eat!


Chocolate Protein Fudgesicle Recipe


1 cup Almond Milk
½ cup Chocolate SunWarrior Protein Powder
¼ cup Cacao powder
1 small Banana, or half a large one
2 Tbsp Agave
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil


Put all ingredients in the blender and blend; puree as smooth as possible. Pour into ice pop or ice cube trays. Put in freezer until they are frozen. Pop out and eat or store in freezer bag in freezer.

Chocolate Protein Fudgesicle Squares

This recipe is so easy to make and the fudgesicles are delicious! Eating these is a great way to cool off in the summer!



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