Chlorophyll and 4 Delicious Green Juice Recipes

Juicing may be the quickest and most efficient way of getting nutrients into your body and juicing green leafy vegetables, being so rich in nutrients and chlorophyll, is the most beneficial to your body.
“Chlorophyll is concentrated Sun Power”~ Dr. Max Bircher, founder of the Bircher – Benner Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in almost all plants. It is used in the photosynthesis process and is what allows plants to obtain energy from light. Chlorophyll cells are nearly identical to the hemoglobin in our blood. The only difference is that chlorophyll has magnesium at its center while hemoglobin has iron. Chlorophyll is perhaps the greatest food substance for cleansing our blood, which in turns cleans out the cells of the body and is highly beneficial in cleansing the bowel, liver and other elimination systems. Chlorophyll helps carry oxygen around the body and to the brain, giving us mental clarity and brain power that helps us to recall, focus and concentrate better. Chlorophyll is found in greatest abundance in the plant world in blue green algaes and green leafy vegetables.
Benefits of Juicing
- Intake of a large amount of nutrients – from more vegetables than you likely could eat.
- Nutrients are broken down from plants cell walls and available to the body to be absorbed quickly.
- Juices are easy to digest. Not having all the vegetable fiber to break down makes it easier on the digestive system.
- Juices, especially green juices, are alkalizing. This helps to rid and prevent the body of diseases, which thrive in acidic environments.
- Curbs appetite. Giving your body the nutrition it requires means that you are not feeling hungry as quickly.
- Aids in the detoxification processes. Juicing cleans the blood, which in turn helps to clean up all the cells and tissues in your body.
- Strengthens the body. Juicing is beneficial for the immune system and for all systems of the body.
4 Delicious Green Juice Recipes
These are some of my favorite green juice recipes.
All Green Juice
2 Kale leaves
½ bunch Spinach or Romaine
A small handful Parsley
4 Celery stalks
1 Cucumber
Thai Green Juice
1/2 bunch Spinach
2 Romaine leaves
Small handful Cilantro
1 cup Pineapple
2 Tbs Lime juice
Green Love Juice
4 Kale leaves
6 to 8 Romaine leaves
½ bunch Parsley
1 Apple
½ cup Grapes
Green Lemonade
2 Kale leaves
½ bunch Romaine
1 Apple
1 Lemon
½ tsp Ginger
Enjoy a green juice and drink to your health!