Celriac Leek and Kale Soup Recipe – Our Weekly Soup

Our celriac, leek and kale soup recipe this week features the cool and unusually ugly looking vegetable celriac and also leeks, which mom & I picked up at the market yesterday morning. Celriac is amazing in soups. It does not have a strong taste It is fairly mild and tastes somewhat like celery, but not as nearly as assertive, celriac is much more mellow. After you peel all the knobby parts off of it the inside has a texture much like a rutabaga or turnip and I think it is quite a nice change from that or potatoes in vegetable soup recipes. This soup also has kale as I am on a bit of a kale kick and trying to eat as much of it as I can. It is quite an ecclectic spice mixture and I knew I was pushing it a little with my combination but I, and others, think it turned out to be quite fantastic.
Celriac is a root vegetable and can be eaten raw or cooked. It looks a little scary but it is not at all, underneath it is mild and friendly. Just cut off all the knobby outside parts, no peeling this guy. Get out your paring knife and peel down to discover celriac’s inner beauty.
Celriac is great eaten raw. Sliced thinly in salads will give you a nice crisp bite and would be wonderful spiralized into angelhair pasta. Oh, a new experiment coming soon! I know it will be wonderful. Celriac is delicious roasted and turns even more sweet. It is also wonderful mashed, with a superb velvety texture, never gluey. It is really quite an easy vegetable to work with despite its gnarly appearance!
Celriac Leek and Kale Soup Recipe
1 Celriac root – peeled and diced small
3 Leeks – washed well and sliced
1 large or 2 small Onions – peeled and diced
3 Carrots – peeled and sliced
3 stalks of Kale – stalks removed, cut lengthwise a couple times and slice thinly
2 Vegetable Bouillon cubes
1 inch Ginger root – peeled and grated or minced
1 large Garlic clove – minced
1 Tbsp Onion powder
1 Tsp Garlic powder
1 Tsp Chili powder
1 Tsp Basil
1 Tsp Turmeric
½ Tsp Black pepper
Put the celriac, leeks, onions and carrots in a pot covered with water and bring to a boil.
Kale can be put in with vegetables or added later. I added it later but only because I just thought of it and added it in then. It will be fine either way. Add the seasonings and cook until vegetables are soft.
This celriac leek and kale soup recipe can be eaten right away, or saved for later. Refrigerate overnight and take out to heat up leftovers. Soups can be reheated many times and often eating a soup the next day is the best as it gives time for the flavors to combine.
Photo Description
Peel and chop celriac
I had only thought to take a picture after it was already peeled. I just put a piece of the peeling to show in the picture. Throw it away.. no gnarly peel in the soup!
Peel and chop carrots, onion
I had a picture of the leeks, but missed taking it off my camera, and just erased everything that was on there. Chop the 3 leeks and add those!
Bring vegetables to a boil in a pot. Destem and thinly slice the 3 stalks of kale and add it in.
Get your seasonings out.
Add them in to the soup.
Cook soup until celriac and vegetables are soft.
Delicious. Ready to serve right away and left overs taste even better!