Archive for the ‘Art, Home & Mom’ Category

So, it’s finally here, moving day. Well, the moving truck came Monday and we have our long drive to Toronto tomorrow. Then just a few days until we move into our new place. I don’t even have the official move in date yet, when the moving truck is there and ready to unload. But I do have pictures to share our adventure and smoothie inspiration to share with you! || Read more

We are celebrating Mom’s birthday over here and have a full on busy day planned. My brother is on his way to pick up Emily, my 11 year old niece, who’s been with me for 5 weeks! It’s been a lot of work keeping up with her but I did it 😉 All that training paid off! || Read more

Our crazy garden has gone wild and admittedly, I could use a little more expertise in this area. Mom is more of the vegetable gardener in the family. I stuck more to flowers in my previous gardening experiences, only dabbling in vegetables for a few summers when my kids were young. I even made bean vine-covered teepees for them, which were really quite awesome! But anyway, I have tried to carry on with mom’s garden as best as I can. I will admit, however, that I could use a little help! I’ll share some photos of our awesome but crazy garden below. || Read more

Mom and I are pretty enthused about, and love, our little garden plot. Gardening is so therapeutic and wonderful for mom. She has always loved gardening and we used to have quite a large vegetable garden at our summer home growing up, so now it’s great for not only wonderful nutrition but for post-stroke therapy as well. I enjoyed taking photos of the evolution of our little vegetable garden plot out back. || Read more

We took mom out to the Beaman’s Sugar Shack last weekend and it was a great trip. It brought back memories of when I was young. My parents often brought me in the spring to the Beaman’s sugar camp. The camp is what they actually call it. There are lots of sugar shacks, or camps, around here just outside of the city and some people are quite loyal, have their favorite maple provider and buy from the same family each year. || Read more

Ruud van Empel creates digitally enhanced photographs with a dream-like quality. His idyllic scenes of children in lush tropical settings evoke a modern Eden, but a paradise shrouded with mystery. These complex works are bursting with life and color. Lush, surreal, immaculate, flawless beauty that brings up a discussion of perfection and innocence. Join me on a voyage that borders reality and imagination through the portal of Rud van Empel’s visions. || Read more

It has been awhile since I have posted an update on Mom and how she is doing. She’s doing great. Not that it’s easy. Most of you may know that Mom had a stroke, almost 2 years ago – 2 years this coming April. Mom has been steadily doing better and it is just recently that I am seeing more improvements. Yesterday it really hit me when she decided to make muffins and did it completely on her own. Well, I took them out of the oven, but besides that they are 100% hers. She followed a recipe from a magazine – Cranberry muffins – and they turned out great! || Read more