Archive for the ‘Natural Healthy Therapies’ Category

I am back at the Lotus Heart Center in Brighton, Ontario and am in the kitchen again, making food for another retreat. This retreat is called Coming Home and is an enlightenment intensive meditation retreat hosted by Russell Scott. It is a fascinating process and quite different from the last (also interesting) retreat I worked at here in February. || Read more

Do you ever come across some great idea that you know would be good for you, but struggle to incorporate it into your daily routine? A big one for me is drinking lemon water in the morning. I KNOW it is so beneficial, and I just learned more fascinating reasons why (see below), but for some reason I keep avoiding this. However, I have an action plan now, and hope you will join me! || Read more

Hypnosis audios are used by many as they are an effective way to achieve your goals and dreams. With hypnosis audios you are put into a daydream-like state, alert but in a state where the external stimuli around you is tuned out so that you are very focused on the subject at hand. || Read more

Subliminal audio is a strategy I have used for years and one that I believe really helped to empower my thinking, and made actually living a healthy life doable. Many of us know what we should be doing to achieve our highest well-being and richest life, but not all of us can put it into action. Many times this is because of our inner subconscious programming. || Read more

Subliminal audio messages can program your subconscious mind to make empowering, healthy and life enriching decisions in your day to day life. Listening to subliminal audios is an effective way to change your deepest internal thoughts that govern all of your actions. || Read more

Affirmations are powerful positive words and statements that repeated over time, can change your perceptions and empower you to make more positive choices and decisions in your life. Our words are powerful and affect our daily life more than most of us realize. || Read more

Creative visualization is a technique using your imagination to create and visualize scenarios in the mind’s eye. By using visualization techniques, you create a mental picture of something and then focus on this image or scenario for periods of time. The main belief with creative visualization is that by changing ones thoughts and perceptions, you can change the outer world. Many successful, wealthy and influential people in the world believe that by visualizing specific behaviors or scenarios, you can change energy patterns to bring your goals and desires to you more quickly. || Read more