Archive for the ‘Healthy Living’ Category

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle

Mom and I have found a real treasure in our neighbourhood:  an amazing community garden project. And it’s just a few blocks away from us in Earlescourt park. We went there last week for the first time and really enjoyed being there. Also, halfway through our gardening time they held a demo on how to make this amazing healing salve recipe, and I will share how to easily make it yourself below. || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle, Raw Recipes

7 days easting raw foods plan book

The 7 days of Eating Raw Food Plan s now available in book form.  This plan has been the most visited page on my site since it came out. Not only does this plan gett hundreds of clicks each day but also I have had many emails from people susseccfully following it. Even some who were following it as a guide long term and so I decided that this raw food plan should be made into a book, making it more convenient and easier than ever to follow. || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle


Lotus Heart Center Retreat Dining

I hope to share some new meal ideas with you through the menu plan that I made up and followed for the recent Padmani Yoga retreat, hosted by YuMee Chung at the Lotus Heart Center. YuMee and the yoga teachers that she had gathered were a beautiful, heart centered, high vibe group of people and it was a joy to be making food for them. Check out more about YuMee and Jivamukti Yoga below, then come check out what was happening in the kitchen during her technical training intensive retreat. || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle, Recipes - Drinks

chaga mushroom benefits

Chaga mushrooms have some really incredible health benefits, and drinking Chaga tea is a great way to get them. Come shopping with me for my favorite superfoods and have a cup of Chaga tea with me. You’ll see below how easy it is to make Chaga tea and check out many of the incredible benefits to your health and why it is one of the top superfoods available now. || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle


15 Top Tips to Kick Sugar Addiction

Sugar. That white powdery addictive substance is like a bad boyfriend. It attracts you with an enticing lure but then soon leaves you flat, broke and exhausted. And even when you finally lock the door against it, it finds ways to slip in though the backdoor, often disguised in captivating and innocent-looking packages. || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle, Natural Healthy Therapies


Do you ever come across some great idea that you know would be good for you, but struggle to incorporate it into your daily routine? A big one for me is drinking lemon water in the morning.  I KNOW it is so beneficial, and I just learned more fascinating reasons why (see below), but for some reason I keep avoiding this. However, I have an action plan now, and hope you will join me! || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle

Get a better night sleep

We all know that there are so many benefits to getting a good nights sleep. Sleep is important for our total well-being and health. It directly influences our energy and happiness levels and to keeping thin and losing weight too. Proper sleep regulates our hormones, which play a big role in our all over health. Read on to see how to stay balanced, slim, happy and get a better night’s sleep. || Read more