Archive for the ‘Recipes – Drinks’ Category

This Thai green juice recipe is filled with ingredients that are not only highly nutritious and exceptionally detoxifying but also taste great together. Pineapple is one of my favorite fruit to pair with greens. The sweetness of pineapple takes away any bitterness the greens may have, mellows out the juice and gives a delicious sweet flavor to the juice. There is lots of pineapple in this one to also balance out the cilantro and lime. This flavorful juice tastes awesome. This is definitely one of my favorites. || Read more

I loved this new green juice recipe and I am loving this challenge. A month of intense nutrition consumption. It is a luxury and living a life of abundance to consume the best foods on the planet. Vibrant living plant foods, especially juiced, provides pure intense nutrition. This green juice will fill you with energy, vibrancy and make you feel alive, happy and optimistic. || Read more

I love beets. Mostly I love their magnificent, deep, vibrant, intense color. Filled with special abundant healing and health properties, beets are a great vegetable to add to your green juicing ingredients. I am posting yesterday’s Down to Earth Green Juice recipe below along with my juicing pics, and also great info to get you excited also about beets too! || Read more

The Green Juice Challenge starts today! I have just taken a photo of my juice, and will share the recipe of the juice I am making. Tomorrow I will start taking pictures of the juicing process, and will try to post almost every day my new juice creation. || Read more

This kombucha recipe is very easy to make and once you learn how to make it, it requires little care and is quite easy to keep it going. You only need a few ingredients and pieces of equipment to get it going. The most essential of these are a healthy scoby (see below) to get it started and a big glass jar to ferment your kombucha in. Kombucha has a huge list of health benefits and some cultures consider it a cure all for everything. || Read more

I am about to share what I think is the best hangover remedy recipe there is! Of course, the best remedy is not drinking, but I am talking about a really awesome, incredible, amazing, best hangover remedy recipe for that occasion when you went all out and now you need to recover fast. Surprisingly I have gotten asked a lot in emails about my views on drinking, and here I am going to share them with you. || Read more

I made an incredibly delicious Shamrock Shake Recipe the extra healthy superfood way. They are so incredibly good that I want to share them with you and hope you have time to indulge for St Patrick’s Day too! But, of course, they are great for any time of the year! These shakes are not only awesomely delicious but they are good for you too! Read on to see my superfood alternatives! || Read more