Archive for the ‘My Favorite Recipes’ Category

Local food is not always the easiest to get in Canada. We can have long and brutal winters. But this can make us truly appreciate our amazing summers when we get them. I sure do. And like many, I’m taking advantage of as much locally grown food as possible while our growing season is in full force. The delicious carrot, fennel and rosemary soup recipe below can be made using almost exclusively local food. || Read more

My friend asked me this morning “What would it take you to go raw again?” a commitment I said. And I feel almost ready for one. I have to admit that I loved how I felt when I ate all raw. However, cooked food is fun and I am enjoying what I consider an intermission into cooked foods. I am really enjoying the process of making them as healthy, flavorful and delicious as I can, as well as finding lots of great ways to get in as many vegetables as possible.

I am in the middle of moving right now, but it has been longer than usual since I have shared new recipes with you. We made these oven baked falafels at a retreat at the Lotus Heart Center recently. I have a few recipes still to share from there. These falafels are quite easy to make and they are healthy both because of the ingredients in them and because they are baked and not deep fried or even pan fried as most falafels are. || Read more

One of the often overlooked foods that can make a huge impact on your health is the salad dressings that you use. It’s so easy to blend up a bottle of homemade dressing. Really, you just add ingredients to a blender and blend. But it’s also easy to just pick up a pre-made bottle off the shelf and convince yourself that a little dressing won’t hurt you. Most people do it. The problem is that store bought salad dressings can be the worse culprits in bringing your health down. Some of the most unhealthy ingredients can be found in those little plastic bottles that line our store shelves. || Read more

The 7 days of Eating Raw Food Plan s now available in book form. This plan has been the most visited page on my site since it came out. Not only does this plan gett hundreds of clicks each day but also I have had many emails from people susseccfully following it. Even some who were following it as a guide long term and so I decided that this raw food plan should be made into a book, making it more convenient and easier than ever to follow. || Read more

Yikes! I just sent out my newsletter and right after sending I noticed I made a mistake and linked the recipe pdf fto a previous recipe, instead of the Raw Vegan Butter recipe. So to rectify the situation I am posting it here. || Read more

This Ginger Spiced Cauliflower Soup recipe was a favorite at the recent retreat I was creating food for. I want to share the whole menu plan for the retreat with you, and will soon, to give you lots of delicious meal ideas. I am happy to be home and looking forward to posting more, and sharing more of my favorite recipes from the retreat. I’m starting this off by sharing a favorite soup recipe. || Read more